
I tried to not post


Dissidents repent.

Apparently China does not want you to read ginkfist. I think thats bullshit. No government should be able to infringe upon any form of expression as long as it doesn't inhibit another's wellbeing. Our buddy Bonghits4jesus, who caught some notoriety for his bonghits4jesus campaign is in china right now. he is teaching over there, which is an admirable thing. He reads the fist, which also is admirable. But now china wont let him, so in support of this freedom fighter, we got ginkfist through Pkblogs now. which will let you read ginkfist in most opressed nations in the world (think china india pakistan, that scary lets all die for kashmir region)Remember Free speech isn't always free (and photoshop is damn expensive!)

Before We got into china:

and after:

We already had our first hit from china. Rock on.

This is my old boss.

He was cool as shit. but he shouldn't make weird faces in photo's that end up on the internet.


This guy was emo

This isnt photoshopped in any way
but this dude was high on pcp. dont do that shit kids.

Damn Irwin, that bitch was hot.

Rambutan is weird shit too, its a relative of the lychee, but its center is highly poisonous, i hope that bitch knew that.

George burns had it right.

didnt he drink and smoke everyday?
so im moving to washington state soon
it will rock.but im afraid i hate most things from washington.
especially seattle. and especially mod and scene shit.
get over it.
heres a poem i stole from myspace.


As heavenly angels sing their praises,

With glowing bodies and shimmering wings.

So too shall I revel in arrogance.

As morbid angels cry hollowed tears,

With broken bodies and plucked wings.

So too shall I fall.

As spiteful angels scream for blood,

With twisted bodies and burning wings.

So too shall I hate.

As long as angels fall.

As long as angels rot.

As long as angels burn.

So too shall I deny my maker.

Seriously. i own several guns. I would fed ex this bitch one in a heartbeat. you know what life does suck, if i drink too much it gives me anxiety and a stomach ache. i know we're all gunna die in 100 years or less. but so fuckin what, look at that as an excuse to have that last beer, and to fuck that chick, and if life is that bad, follow the 45. i cant stand the bullshit people do. i dont know if those goths do it to get laid. id imagine theyd have hairy cooter's and prolly stinky ones aswll. fuck that. i wouldn't do their gross asses anyway. so if you wrote that poem, or if you are/look like any of these people, please drink whiskey and pull the trigger, dont whine about life sucking, most adults already know this.

We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.

its the truth.


Stolen right from myspace.

Myspace stole my virginity. so its only fair i steal this:

"... Im really into alot of things, here are a few... music..fashion..hair xtentions..fake eyelashes..money..shopping...make-up..the color pink..politics..bleach blonde hair..big tits..tan skin..."

this is from a retarded fat chick from kansas or oklahoma, or some state that loves the bible more than common sense. And not to be hepcat johnny from Lesbians Cunts and Queers. but im gunna rant. If you read what she is into, there might be one word that doesn't necessarily fit. And im pretty sure its the word politics. I don't think Hepcat Johnny needs politics either. Anyone who says they like politics is full of shit. They like the end result: an ex alcoholic coke fiend in the white house bombing people who cant speak our language assuring that I will always have access to broadband porn and microwaved meatballs. No one honestly likes politics though, it doesn't make sense to enjoy something that has nothing pleasing about it. Granted it does do good things once in a while, but even hitler learned how to smile. so when you say what you do and dont like, just be honest. cause if your lying, then you're a politrickin.

i like coccaine,whiskey shots, gin and tonics, cigarettes, free pool, chicks with big boobs, chicks with small boobs, making out with chicks who are only hot when im wasted, making out with chicks who are just hot. i also like beer football baseball and hockey and golf. i hate politic's and beershits.

I dont think he's even made it up here yet.

Well, we found someone we've been lookin for, for a long ass time. I can't tell you his name, but Gink will post him first, then its on. But heres another dude we've been searchin for forever as well. his name is conor the mick. and he fuckin rocks. and im sure he's single ladies.

I dare you to lick Ginkhole's mattress.

a bleeper of a blooper

I got a package of top, and it says to break seal gently.
Three times.

how to cure a hangover.

just stare at this and say youre the man now dawg in your best sean connery voice.



WTF, gink is gunna kill me for this one.

So rarely do i post about posting. but this is so fucked up that i may not even post what i was gunna post until tomorrow. including this sentence i've used the word post or some form of a total of five times. so back to the fucked up-ness. I was working on this crazy post about making it look like ginkfist was tattooed on people's and doll's eye lid's like eyeliner or mascara or some shit(i dont know the difference between the two, you gotta ask flacks strait gay ass on that one) heres the picture i got the idea from:

Not too bad right? its managable? i think so. then i found this piece of art.

I dont know how i fuckin feel about that. its only coincedence which brings the doll head into both photo's. Fap to that weirdos.


This is how i feel.

I think everyone sucks. including me, but not especially me, i've met some you wahoo's who are fucked in the head and goin no where. not me, im goin places. like to the shitter, then to go smoke a bowl and watch the colbert report. ITS FRENCH BITCHES.

i miss the comfort in bein sad.

Hey, you get your fuckin comp back? i need to make a backup of all dhatkillerporn.

My computer was lost

My computer containing hundreds of hours of jam time was lost on alaskan airlines. all my music. all my post photos. leftover porn. the works. my mixer and mics too. i feel like michael douglas in that one movie where he goes nuts in traffic. i doubt i will ever find it again. RIP computer that has my life in it.


Gink is gone.

Gink went down to LCT's hood. Good luck lil twat hair. you owe me 1100 hundo. Thanks for the beer and hospitality. I tried saying peace out this mornin, but you were fappin with some jewish broad.

FUCK YO COUCH. thanks for lettin me crash on it.

I'm assuming your plane didn't crash, but here ya go in case it did. RIP lilnigga.


I'll sell you this for 1000 bucks.

or 1062.50 exactly. and i need the money in twelve hours exactly. God damnit.




so i thought i was dyin, or had mono, or the hiv or something

turns out i was just goin through withdrawls. i didnt smoke or drink or say the f word for two weeks because i was really sick and stuck in bed the whole time, so i went to a party last night, played cards, got sloshed, tapped the keg, had two beers, and then walked to my moms house and ate all of her food, then went to my dads and did the same, then passed out with heartburn, and woke up feelin a lilbit hungover but not sick at all, and i left some cough drops in the freezer.


High ate us. Hi anus. Hi hate tusk. Hiatus.

It might have been in January of 06' or December of 05' I started blogging as 'stink of the gink'. Soon a merger between gink and fist was brought to everyones diluted attention and we went on a photoshopping cunt poppin Jon Benet killer catching black bulging eye wiki poundin math teacher hoarding 50 year old aussie loving ginkwaring tittie twisting quest to make you fucks fap crap and laugh. I will be going a way for a little while because I am moving and today they are turning off my internet. I might be gone a week...or a month or I might find some internet cafe in the lower 48 to copulate around. Save post 600 for me please if it even takes that long. I hope El Ginko treats you guys well while he is sick. That little fucking bitch doesn't have half the post power I do but he is one of the oracle, guru, bodhis, dharma bums of Gizinkfizizinazizist. Eddie Egan in the Gene Hackman autobiography(which is "our" holy bible) said it best in the first lines of chapter five: 'The first things that count about me are as follows I drink beer, I lay broads and I bust heads.'
I'm an alcholic HIV infested boxer.

Good night, and good luck.

I've had a fever for over a week now, it comes and goes. My throat is tighter than hilary clintons twat after the whole cigar fiasco. I Buhleedhat that im dying, in a brain tumorish sort of way. I havent photoshopped anything in over a week, and those boobs i posted earlier were supposed to be animated, but i'm afraid my sickness is getting serious, as in serious to the point of:


its pretty god damned scary. every boob ive seen is completely stiff. even man boobs. I dont know what that means. I was gunna go to the doctor today, but i kinda fagged out and slept it off, for the simple fact that im ass poor and really can't afford to go to the doc, because i have a huge ass doc appt in september/october thats gunna set me back a few grand, so if i have a sore throat then, ill get it taken care of them.

heres my weak ass attempt at a photoshop.

here is astronaminority from its a small world, resembling George Harrison


Tetris DX

I finally beat my girlfriends score she is a Tetris master. Nothing to brag about but my eyes are buhleedhatting out of my head. There is no one around so I thought I would share it with you. The new score is 284,021. I stacked up to my death on level 30. She got to level 32. The graphic at the end is a space shuttle that looks like Discovery and it spits out tetris blocks. I think the graphic is going to change when you get to 300,000. I'm cracking out and I think that I might have a complex.

4 new planets...Solar System goes on Maury Show to find out how many kids it really has and to see who the daddy might be.

Alright people. How many times do you really have to stick up for a puny pussy rock named Pluto? Oh great its the little baby baby of the Solar System. Proving that babies get all the attention. Who cares about the dabacle? I think planets especially in our Solar System should be the terrestial ones that have what we can recognize as planetary functions. If you are thinking about any of the Saturnin or Jupiter moons they orbit large objects so they are moons not planets. The gravity thing is important that they were talking about also; when gravity makes an astral object round in nature. Yet that shouldn't add an astroid as a planet should it? Ceres the object in question is only 600 miles in diameter that's about a quarter the size of our moon. I'm thinking we should base our known planet sizes to the smallest being the size of Mercury and the largest being double or triple the size of Jupiter. Then we start running into small stars or super gas giants. Yes they all orbit the sun so do all the little astroids in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. Are all of those planets too? Unless we find another Neptune or Uranus floating around in the terrestrial locations of the current "8" planets I think we shouldn't start just adding shit and changing textbooks right away. This debate about the definition of planet shouldn't even be happening if some got their shit together back in the day and just said something so all the sheep today can base their info on others data like they usually do. Even the IAU is willing to tally the count up to 53 or something like that because of all the objects in the Kuiper belt. If it goes up to 53 why not just say its going to be 100 or 1000. Goddamn we haven't even scanned the whole thing yet. I say drop it and let what we have as our solar system and call what ever else is out there a different type of system categorized all together. Shit just because things are round pretty much they want to change it all. I know a few babies that have very round heads wanna start calling them planets? Sedna is in the shithouse so is 2003 UB313. You want kids to memorize that shit? Divy it up like SS Major and SSMinor. Something a little more understandable. Fuck all that other bullshit. Quit sticking up for Pluto and its cheese twin Charon. It's a shit ice place anyways.


Proof we are the smartest beings in the universe.

What not drinking vodka will do for you

Panic! At the Dildo

Relax I have Tampax

he likes Straight Asian Students.

click here for the real Straight A Students!!!!

Have you ever?

Have you ever...

Ate so much seaweed you had to smoke the rest?

Tasted the fruits of a virgin lamb and chugged down tic tacs with wine coolers?

Pooped in a can because you thought the ground you were on was holy?

Fapped to Christina Applegate pictures while listening to Guster on a mix tape?

Tried so hard to get Carrot Top to ask you for your autograph?

Climbed the Eifel Tower for love just to get a divorce at the top?

Looked in the well to find Timmy wasn't missing just at Hooters eating chicken wings?

Tried so hard to get that Van Halen song out of your head and the only way to medicate it was to kill Kurt Cobain and end the Grunge era to move in boybands and let Dru Hill sell more albums?

Watched the High School volleyball team at the car wash...the mens team?

Took a shit on the seats at a Browns game because you thought that it was the right thing to do since their name is the Browns?

Ever dreamed you were awake then talked to numerous people about lucid dreaming and societal ideals and problems and figured out you were just hammered trying to get some girl into bed at FDAU?

Seen Buhleedhat or Drini?

Told Bob Dylan he sounds like Tom Petty only to get your ass kicked by Jacob Dylan?

Put a sex toy or sex product on lay-a-way to find out the package had been opened inbetween the 3rd and 4th payment?

Fucked me and hated every minute of it because I breathe heavily in your ear and try to put my finger up your butt while yelling out Seinfield quotes?

Rolled up your socks to calculate the area and diameter of how many other wangs could beef the twamp in a stride that twiggles the fort on a supper wish?

Had a thing for those Dr. Suess characters?

Thought that Warcraft was the sacred book of Martha Stewart and searched the world only to find it was an online community of Martha Stewart bots that fap to magic spells and orcs?

Been to the Dome of the Rock and brang Man-O-War CD's and amps for the Jam session to find out that everyone is just mad there and doesn't like anything but the wrath of God and you said that would make a good concept for an album and they hung and crucified you and let imported hyenas lick at your testicles so you could never possibly answer this question?


Over night duwibery of nukes will cost $1.99 extra

Ginkfists first endorsment deal

The Idiots Guide


dumb bitch.

Fall into the Bill

Some cum for fun others have fun to cum

Whilst I was looking like the Moon from Le Voyage dans a lune I freed some of my inner gink and took about a week off. Nothing has happened at all. Some cum and say, "Well dude ya know we might just be a holograph in the eyes of a creation of a creation and that holograph can concieve other holographs and shit and eat on the toilet in perpetual motion blah blah." Some have fun and just say,"Hey nagger cheese cracker witch in a biscuit, we are all just standing out in the cold." I for one believe that we are all standing out in the cold. You don't need a uber-theory of everything theory to explain why you move in g sharp and spit d min for breakfast. You just jam. And that's that. Aside from making you try and understand my psycho babble bubble bobble I would like to take the time to let you read a really fucked up sentence. I love Weezer. Yeah that is a fucked up sentence huh? I don't really love Weezer I just wanted to make some of you vomit. Speaking of vomit(No I'm not going to show you a vomit picture.): Satan once played for a vacant sign and a light switch. It was grand. I took Roman Spears and punch a Simon for kicking my ass in a game of Memory. I circuit bended that bitch and took it to the junkyard.
This guy gave me sex advice in the third grade. I know own a cadillac and fuck some bitches who animated on Darkwing Duck. He told me to sign in ESL to a mexican diplomat. I freed the soul of an orangutang.

I'd go down under on some down under.

where you at aussie?

World of warcraft pron.

Um, life rocks? i'll do more gink oriented posts when i get the chance to photoshop condi rice eatin rice a roni. but life does rock. i almost watched this dude beatup 2 coast guard guys, (i've seen him take on 8 before) and i still think i am dying from a strain of avian flu only known as ginkonyourfaceintheginkpalace flu. in other news, or in news that doesn't pertain to us (or you) Time magazine wrote that applying to harvard as "It's still the most important decision you've ever made, and the most confounding." and for those of you who are unaware of ivy-league vocab, Confounding means: to confound, contradict, or confuse.(according to the princeton dictionary, which is a better college, because it is located in new jersey.) first off; it is confounding. Should I go to college and statisically earn twice as much as my high school diploma counterparts all the while attaining an education regiment which has the acrid stench of english leather and upturned noses? or should I be an american, who believes in the freedom of an individual who will bang sluts, play killer riffs and do copious amounts of cocaine.

Personally, the whole god-damned idea disgusts me. before i begin my rebuttal to collegiate stature, let us digress upon the whole damned idea of "college" as being the most important decision of one young man's life (chicks don't count, they're bound to cook clean, and look pretty as told from the bible.)
College is not the most important decision in life. What about the decision of procreation and the social responsibility of rearing an adept philanthropist in your years to come. or the decision to execute a man during jury duty. or how's the old I have cancer and am dying, but realize chemo isn't exactly "in" or "hip" or "healthy."

I believe each of these to be paramount to how hard you strive for personal success.

If you don't agree :Here is a link of a man (or child according to Virginia law) who is refusing chemo therapy over herbal treatment. be forewarned: this man's name is starchild, which proves his parents did acid.

or here: This is a case of man, who is firing his lawyers, so he can be uh....Killed, murdered, offed, or executed, whatev Be forewarned: this guy ripped a dudes ear off, and stoned him to death.

in conclusion: if you believe in starchildren and van gogh impersonator's, then believe in america. if not, and by if not; i mean if you're caucasian and extremely wealthy: then decide which college to go to.

Sorry that was so god damned huge, its the booze talkin.


This town is drowning me.

perhaps its the influx of alcohol, bad company and precipatation(is that spelt right?) but i've grown sick of this town. i like alot of things about this town:

I can "try to quit drinking" but it usually doesn't happen.
I get hardcore anxiety, but so does half of this town.
i know which chicks not to bang.
i know where to get a free beer and a hot bite of food (aside from the homeless shelter).
I can go to the bar, and people know what the word "ginked" means.
I can hear "Oh, ginkfist, ya that shits fucked up." and pretend to not be happy.
I can sleep on couches where naked chicks are bound to jump on top of you at any given moment and give you the avian flu.
I can say, well did you yell at his window, and someone would say "yea, i screamed obscenities and shit and to no avail"
I can run into Engineer of LCT's Parents, and let me know that he writes them 3 page letters that are super sappy (when i get the original's of this, you're getting GINKED BITCH.)
I can get tea at 10am fuckin wasted wearing a tie, and run into 10 people that my parents work with.

But i do grow tired of it, and i don't know if it's another town that is the cure. i hope so. I think im too much of a "character" and not enough of a "person" (another 7th floor distinction made beforeginkfist.) for this small of a town. i try to be sick and grumpy and still run into people who make me smile, that shit sucks. just tonight i ran into a guy a know, whos staying with another guy i know, both of whom ive come into accquaintance with recently, who said " God Damn dooner, you should walk around with a recorder or a pen and paper, and just keep that shit to yourself until you write a book or make it big." I like that, and hate it at the same time. I've heard it before, and would love to, but its rather cocky. i'd rather kick quiet ass Like stephan Segal, then go out loud like Chuck Norris, than vice-versa, i dont think it works if you're chuck first, it takes the surprise away. I have this gut feeling that ill make myself into something somewhat substantial, but i'm sure most of the populous have this same instinct. but i'd like to think that i'm better than you guys, or at least have the potential to be. well thats enough Panties in a knot for me, im gunna go cry and masturbate.

P.S. I used to work at Mel's Penis, and served Russian Catlings, and tonight i went in there, and the catlings looked disgusting, and this fag emo was working, listening to panic at the disco, and had taken down the vinyl player, first off:
Panic at the disco is homo(Gay guys are cool, but Homo shit sucks.)
to the Homo who asked me oh are they your favorite band(take a wild fucking guess)
and to the assmunch who couldnt cook Top ramen correctly: Your earrings and tattoo's do not make you cool or hardcore, it just proves the fact that you bought into the whole shebangabang when tribal was cool, and know you have gauged earrings and a panic at the disco obession, I shit more creative than you exist.

Peace and carrots.


one man's recollection of a personal hell.

So i crashed at the gink palace the other night, and woke up with a mild hangover and a sore throat, big deal right? LEFT. this shit sucks, my throat is bloodier than bette midlers panties and my back hurts and i got fever like Natalie Cole and Ray charles. i think thats the reason i've been unable to post anything decent. But I'll be carrying the bulk of the weight here for the next month or so, because Gink is moving down to the fatherland again, and i will hafta remain at the base and provide you guys with filth.

P.S. Be sure to ask ginkhole, what his ginkhole was doin in the gink palace.



I dont know if this ever got posted.

I like how his head is shaped like a porkchop.

I heard somebodys in a band.

produced by rick the robot rubin, its the GAS' new cd. (Gay aids students.)"Holla if you HIV me" tha hiv, is the hottest shit to drop since tha chronic.


why we didnt post yesterday.

cause i had 30 gin n tonnies.


Shirt Idea

From the many Buhleedhat pictures I made this and thought that it would look good on a shirt. Or my lowerback where that pixie and butterfly tattoo is.

Say Word.

Send it

Dahghda@hotmail.com is where you can send the photo



it happens when you take a shit.

they shot him behind the store, then he ran into the woods. the guy on the smart end of the gun, the guy on the business end of the gun wasn't so lucky. he didn't run anywhere, except perhaps into St. peter, who busy unlocking the pearly gates for this gone too soon type. Maybe him and lucifer are bbq'n, id hope not, unless that was his thing. Drinking or smoking tea with shiva wouldn't be too bad. his name was simone kim, and he was considered deceased at 26 times around the sun. There wasn't a motive. the last guy with my name died on the shitter. i heard he was a good guy, enjoyed painting, riding bikes, and scotch. last night i fared better, i went to this chicks house and played piano on this old upright outtatune, this chick kept kissing my neck and telling me not to stop, i dont know her name or face, i'd like to keep it that way, i imagine she isn't much of a looker. they kept asking me to play fur elise. which is tough when 3 of the C's are missing their ivory and only speak mute to the rest of the world. Sign language is not good on piano keys. but i played it, and i was happy to, cause its the only fucking song i can play all the way through. mary had a little lamb, or oh susanna and i wouldve been fucked, with no neck kissing. then my ride left me. this has been a commonplace event lately, and if luck wasn't pissing in the wind on me, i dont know where i would be right now.

Hey Gink, Don't steal this.

Thats right bitches. I got it. Post numero five hundred-o. no habla.i hope someones dug this shit so far. i know i do. it changes the way i think and talk and shit. not in an emo kinda way, teh birds are dying, i dont give a shit. but if you step out of line and its on photo, i will ginkfist you, drini, BUHLEEDHAT.

this is what ate your shorts.

and socks.