Shortened form of Pussy (or Penile) Warts. "P" for Pussy (or Penile) and "Dub" for the "W".
Get out of here Skeletor, nobody wants your P Dubs.
White people suck. I farted. So now Miller High Life has taken the throne of PBR and no one drinks Bushmills they want Jameson. Well I've got some Jameson. Some Louise Jameson. I've wanted to not get fucked by her for some time now but hey you can't win all the good ones over with just a rape victims moment away from calling in the Dr. Stranglove in for some cookies and barbecue ribs right? I think that love is some sort of poopy diaper that you just can't get over the smell of its lingering stagnant pungent poopy butt. And I love it when girls have knives. It makes me ho-orny.
I've known that the Britons are wedgy nucleus.
Here is a picture of an Anchor-dude.I've totally seen this guy when I was at a strip club in Mazomanie, Wisconsin. He put a roll of penis between a strippers ass cheeks and she unrolled them with her butt muscles so the pennies would fall out of her ass like it was a slut machine. It was a neat trick. I then bought him a couple rounds of cocaine and we met Neil Young in the Viper Room and had a Jonathan Brandis moment. I've done that before but it wasn't as cool because I was still thinking about what that stripper had done with her ass. After that was a shitshow we went to Little Chute where the poop done get loot. We at chitlins and puked up caviar we had at Ronald Whiskey's bar and grill. It was cool. Then I went to Baraboo. And saw this picture below me.
You know that you can't really run from a glowing zombie ass if you wanted to. Be patient. You don't need to get into all the mumbo jumbo doovoodo. Just sit back and goldfap to a sickling zombie woman who wants to sit on your face and make a glow worm pie. I thought Jerry was cool. I pea. You lovelorn fucktwad ace in the hole perry driver. You are reading words.
<----I think I see a doople.