
Your buttcheeks.

seriously. your buttcheeks are the coolest thing ever.
my computer isnt. its still broken, maybe on friday ill buy more ram and fix it.
unless i spend it all on booze again.
or no legged prostitutes

( G )


Would be cool if it worked

I don't know how many Ginkers really read this but if they want to vote for who wins the ginkoffs each round drop a comment or email me at dahghda@gmail.com.

If it doesn't work out i'm just going to let will hung win everytime.

you might win a prize.


Ginkoffs May-June...back after they found El Ginko face down in doo dooreah

Acadamy award nominee.

Just when you thought it was safe.

Hell yeah baby.

Daling eyed bitch goes to the clink...clubs free of air-born herpes for two weeks.

Personally I don't care about Paris Hilton. She can play in a hospital dumpster and have a nice fuck session with everyone in Hollywood so there would be some good ol' ethnic cleansing. Do you know this bitches face is ruining all the trees? Not to mention Celeb blogs are having a field day. Post something better. Like a thousand jpegs of P. Shore in mesh. As a matter of fact El Ginko needs to post something better because he's pulling a massive Ginkhole on society. I can carry this bitch on my back but my back has boils on it.
Paris Hilton's cooter is the face of a Minotaur.
suck me pete wentz.

Some Marvin Gaye and they play.

This just in: Pete Wentz not my hero...is cockmaster

Chances that Pete Wentz is a homo: 100%

Chances that P. Dub likes lil boys: 99.98%

Chances that P.D. will suck me: 32%
(I don't wear a cock sheath)

With sheath percentages: 1000%

Chances Pete Wentz would fuck Elton John in a bath house orgy: 100%

Chances P. Wentz makes love to a pillow: 85%

Chances ol' Wentzy needs to be hard to eat breakfast: 79%

Chances Pee Went Went wets the bed: 100%

Chances Wete Pentz writes Gallaghers name in his pubes: 100%

Chances Pete Wentz plays pin the tale on the donkey: 0%

Alone and crying: 100%


Kara not okay.

I think i might be back.
my computer sucked, and got quantum on me because its xp, and well vista is out.
so now im rollin with some linux, got me a dubquap of penguin.
im downloadin gimp now so hopefully i can do some shitty illustrations.
to show you what ive been seeing in my time off.
its not pretty.


Sharing the mind of the Uber-fag

If there is uno thing that I hate and I don't hate just uno thing it's Carlos Mencia. No people that doesn't mean I hate Latinos it means that I just simply hate this wetback donkey riding orange selling lowriding tequila swilling cock sucking faggot more and more everyday. I'm starting the Campaign to Deport Carlos Mencia to Canada or the C.D.C.M.C. This fruit basket replaced the Chappelle show after Dave went all batshit in South Afrikaa and now his face is plastered all over Comedy Central. Don't think I'm a Colbert sympathizer either. That guy is about as gay as Imus. Carlos Mencia is not funny. Not at all. I LOOK AT HIM AND PISS RAZOR BLADES. Little tiny razor blades that make beautiful spirals down my urethra and clink when it hits the porcelain or the face of my Uncle. You get what I'm saying homes? He's not even original. His latin flavor of comedy just bores the shit out of me. If you are a comedian don't talk about your race because it isn't funny anymore. Everyone gets it because everyone is racist. Why did the Latino cross the road? To get to America. Point over. Move on. God how I wish it was over.
I'll own you in a game of Dominos.

Dust in the windrow

Where did our Aussie stalker go?
If anyone knows please give me a hummer.

Freedom of speech rocks...yes that would be crack rocks.