
P.S. you cocklovers

Regardless of what gink says, the BBC version is the only one worth watching,.

Stay gold, whisk.

happy holidays. fags. i hope you get everything you wish for. heres my list of wishes, feel free to fulfil:

  • a keyboard that doesnt stick on NVIT ad ay other mportat letters
  • nvidia drivers for puppy3.
  • for my friends and family to volunteer and laugh at those more fortunate than us.
thats it. lemme know what you guys want, if its feasible, its done. even if its us postin again. I havent seen gink in a while, dont think hes fuckin tranny's just yet, so we have time. I dont know what the fuck i've been up to. i suppose drinkin and lamenting, but im par for the course. maybe ill post moe later when my keyboard isnt fustraing me by stiking and fuckng up eeything am typing.


Tila Hung

shitty photoshop for a shitty person. i personally think the hybrid would save lives, cure cancer and tell Kanye West to his face that he is the Version 2.o of Puff Daddy. Peace.

P.S. The template isn't up and we aren't posting because El Ginko is shoulder deep into some donkey butt and I've been trying to finish an album before the new year. I promise you we aren't on a writers strike that's for the assholes who will never finish a good season of heroes. Or the office.