history has a habit of legend...
Apparently a self proclaimed king had hung on a cross for seventy-two hours, give or take. during this arduous ordeal, he succumbed to absolution.
Even a Messiah comes to pass. he was placed to rest within common accord of the time. Here is where absolution comes to pass...
Christ was seen, several times, and in several places, by his most devout of followers. And whilst his most fervent of disciples were blessed by his presence; a convert never laid eyes upon our recently risen prophet.
I do not negate the fact that a supposed magical mystic may have cheated death, only for a parlor trick three days later.
Even more-so, I will defend the right of prophets yet to come to strive for the same ends and means.
I believe that many christians do not believe in christ.
How many confirmed christians take time out of their day to listen to the local heretic preaching prophecy?
I would love to understand the difference between the christ-son and a heretic. furthermore, I question the differences in the christ-child and mohammed; or perhaps abraham or buddha. The Quran mentions the words of christ more-so than the very breath of mohammed himself.
finally...What of the word easter itself. for a rose smells like shit if we called it such.
or something or another.
...I digress... The word easter itself, comes from a pagan holiday. I know, blasphemous, to even assume that the same romans who killed pagans for the christ, named the most revered of holidays after heretics. yet it may be the truth from what I glean. Easter may very well be named after the pagan goddess Eastre, whos celebratory month, happened to occur during easter.
For the History buff’s who believe that history is written by winners, lets look at the Romantics. The name of Passover in Greek, is Pascha, which is derived from the hebrew root pesach; which means, passover, which also happens to be a holiday older than easter itself. and finally... the gospel of John speaks of the Jewish elders not entering the house of Pontius Pilate in order that they may eat passover themselves. John the Baptist himself, the very man that baptised the christ child states in the christian bible (in leviticus) that christ died during passover, which would make his resurrection coincide with passover itself.
what this means to me: I dont care if a magical jew makes you happy, or its a giant fluffy rabbit with magical eggs.
be kind
you have little time left, we’ll all be dead in less than a century, except for the fucks too scared to live.
and don’t hold steadfast hold to education, rarely does it make a man wise.
and for the offended, aim before you shoot, if you want references, drop me a message, and lets have some discourse.
Buhleedhat Cyrus

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