Hark! Alas this homo-erotic sensual alternative Buddy Holly glasses wearing grammy award winning casual donkey sex band has announced that they are releasing a new album. High off of the sucess of their last great accomplishment they have rearranged the quartet's tightly linked friendship and created a supergroup status machine ready to rip the assholes out of your pants. The band has signed on Blacky Lawless of W.A.S.P to give them the cock-rocket edge the band lacks. Fronting for lead guitar work is none other than the corpse of Randy Rhoads. Lead Vocals has switched to Better than Ezra's leading lady Kevin Griffin. All of the original band members will still occupy some space backstage and on. Considering they have the physical prowess of 12 year old girls they will be rhoadies and back up vocalists.
The new album of course and you guessed it will be called
GINKERTON. Sources say that they were, "Fed up with partying with Mel Brooks' feces that music just didn't cum natural anymore". Kevin Federline lent a hand in producing and Rick Rueben sucked his cock. They chose a barn on an obscure river in Georgia where anal rape is rampant. Hats off to these guys for making another great and audible peice of kick ass gink. I love to listen to these guys when I'm lonely and crying. It tickles my taint.
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