
I love you


Rod is Dor but should be God or Dog

Ginkoff Finals

Concocto Ex Morti De Yule Brenner

I hate Bright Eyes, Hawthorne Heights and 3 Days Grace. They can all let me sit on their face. It would be sooooo emo-core white metal.

Sometimes I eat fruit and watch birds.

Earth was made so I could conqueer but no one conqueers anything anymore.

If you have a star and a neutron you get a startron.

Butts make me happy. Except when they poop. And I watch it.

It's Gold Medal time. I'm native. I'm not invited because I'm also white.

The Rolling Stones are dead, they just don't want anyone to know about it.

You could be reading this or you could be fucking a moose.

Does anyone care about revolutions? Or do they just care about talking themselves up and the cause is just so damn important I'd fuck AIDS ridden orifices if it would just start happening.

Bush is the best thing to happen to Liberals. Because most of them don't shave their pussies anyways.

I would know because that aint floss in my teeth.

Fishing would be cooler if we could drain out all of the water in the ocean.

I'm taller than the average saxon. Shorter than the shortest Titan. Just right for broken glass.

What goes up stays up on coke.

If you are drunk and start stuttering its time to drink till you can't speak because no one wants a sober man who just has a speech impediment.

If someone ask's you if you spit or swallow you tell them toe nails.

I like it when white people are next to black people who are next to asians who are next to indians who are next to arabs who are next to the Polish.

When I have kids I'll let my parents take care of them. If my parents are dead...so are the kids.

I wan't to brew beer with pcp in it. D.A.R.E to take that homos!

JK, BRB, LOL and NSFW are on the 1$ 5$ 10$ and the 20$

If you habitually smoke crack cocaine mormans will stop bothering you. Thats the secret behind all things. If you are really feeling disassociative smoke draino best thing since molestation.

Yule Brenner is God. RHCP is my heroin dealer. Coffee makes me take a shit in the morning. Usually around 10:00 so if you want to kill me you can find me on the shitter. Be warned I have knives and throwing cards. Gambit!

Sex is better when knowing God is watching you.

Masturbation is more forthcumming because Satan is right behind you.

So is grandma.

Dead or not.

Remember when you were a 13 year old girl and fapped to this while your parents were at the store?

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Diagnosis of the 3rd kind and other

This is the best way to get high on a Wednesday afternoon. According to the Surgeon General of Canada huffing from a muffler is more likely to cure impotence in most males 15-17. In the case of women it insures that if you are pregnant your offspring for the next 14 generations will have deformed spinal columns resulting in the extrication of an unleashed telekenitic ability from ancestral heritage. I've done numerous studies that have been published in Time, Gq, and TeenBop, with the fanfare all positive and applauding. Being a male above the age of 17 I found that it created a hyperbolic cyst on the ridges of my anus that speaks fervently through jeans, silk underwear and loin cloths. After reading this article if you have any questions on the matters of huffing a muffler please contact me at Neverland ranch. You know where to find me. IN OTHER NEWS: Below

The morman Morrison tucked his "balls" and penis inside the cooter he hides under his gym shorts and started crying after he lost a little gamey game against some other queers who by default hate everything that is morman and John Stockton. Look at that douche. I even heard a woman complaining about him on Rush "repub" Limbaugh about how pussy it is to lick fellow man sweat on the hardtop. I can understand crying in football because usually you are to dumb because you neck has been jarred by 350 lb. dudes falling on your face with spandex butt rubbing your nostrils into your 5 head but this is just pathetic. The last time I cried like this is when I found out America hated that Amerikan Taliban dude and when Saddam stole my last Easter Peeps.


Ginkoff Semis

is this a tranny or not? Either way you are sticking a finger up my cunt and spreading mayo on my nipples.

I hope it's a tranny.


I just looked at all the posts and I noticed something very homogenized. We don't post hot bitches doing what hot bitches do. I think we are gay or something, at least that's what most people will think when they read our posts. Always talking about the brown eye, and puncturing the littled ridges to the radius of an anus. It's usually in the context of fucking some guy in the asshole and making it so he can't shit right for a month. Damn I'm getting hard already. Well...this is for all the times we put balls dick and asshole on the page.

Now I can post more cockinsteins.

Where are they now?

the vagina is leaking oils on a canteen medicated to bruise my boobs. Can you hop along the trans highway for a little bit while i take a shit and smell my pit a cat in the hat is one without bats but still has enough to make dogs his place mat.

this place is Danzig.

Hydrobeat sputnick found voyager and fucked it to make Viking babies who faught crib death and sold my soul to a ganster named chicken breath.

Right now I'm beating up a raven. I took its wing and ate it.
I forgot. Your a fag or a really overweight chicken eating bitch looking at this guys brown eye wishing for a chance to thrust a man-nuver rusty tromboner. Queer eye for the fag pie.
Wanna see Slash and his pubes? I know you do.

Alright now a picture for the guys. The real guys. Not the Homo-Habilickus.
Fap to this twice and you will get so much walrus pussy its not even funny. I was overloaded. Peter North fell down and bowed to the Dark Sword of Lormiak.
I follow Satan by means of a Gregorian command faultered beyond my ancestral liniage. I came to this earth a combatant. I am now leaving a probe of natural illuminations of the ego shattering mindscape of Mescaline and dog feces. And no I don't mean little mice you Darko prissies who think that cutting your wrists and drawing is for the elite of society. Here's some pressure for you 16 year olds. Take a gun shoot your dick off so you can't reproduce after you figured out you were to much of a tang to commit genocide in your neighboring school. Save my friend a couple of bucks when I bet on the next Kleibold to terroize my Apr. 20th because thats the day I not only drink to Hitler and his Klan but the day I get layed because you didn't go out and find yourself a woman because you were too busy playing warhammer.
Oh yeah. Listen to me because I unmasked Satan and found Lron. He made me sandwiches and everything was better. Now I watch TBN, masturbate and cry while I take a shit in my hand and forego it to a small child in India who reproduces life size replicas of St. Patrick in a heaping mound of elephant and my fecal matter. I'm out like segregation.
Save a baby seal. Club a fetus.

Ginkoff Week 1.333333333333333333333333333


THE not so new NEWS

these news are probably already old. i was on a bender...

Cyclone larry hits Austrailia!!!Crocodile Hunters BBQ because of it!!!

By kid koala.

Apparently those kangaroo fuckers dont care about anything aside from roadkill and beer. Cyclone Larry (bird) hit austrailia sometime within my alcohol soaked week, and was reportedly the strongest cyclone larry (bird) this year to hit somewhere in austrailia. I think some dundee dude lost a couple of aboriginal's and a baker's dozen of dingos. poor dundee eh? think again yankee! dundee had eaten 13 dingo hot dogs at this kickass bbq with his austrailian buddies. apparently austrailians dont give a flying fuck about rescue efforts. they just wanted to bbq before the meat produce and fosters went bad.

I bet this is what the bbq looked like. when i woke up it was over.


by that kid with the funny looking leg.

With the help of George Brysons coke stash and our buddy Lron mixin up some drinks ginkfist dropped some bomb shit in the toilet son, go pick that noise up, its the mad notes, better get that loot boy, naw im sayin. we out g, 5 thousand g, gimme my duckets.

I'm really not to sure what this sounds like. i bet its a john edwards sabertooth kinda jazz fusion, or something.

I stole this map from CNN or IBM, somethin.


10,000 Ducats

if TOOL's new album sucks you owe me 10,000 bucks faggots


Bill Cosby likes Gink

Bill likes to pet children, talk about JELL-O, and put gink in his pudding.


Ginkoff Week 3.1

Celeb News of the Gink

Blanka was sited yesterday in Times Square fending for himself and the Prada he decided to buy while splurging his money away which he got from the last Street Fighter Tournament. When approached by a 16 year old Tony Vitale's Pizza Delivery boy he electrocuted his 4 pubes into a state of shock and ate the boy whole. He wasn't charged by the authorities on the grounds that Blanka doesn't know where he his and if he is going to be doing anything that he should keep spending his money on Paris Hiltion designer boots and bootleg Radiohead albums which have a street value of 0.13 cents. Blanka was also seen at a trendy nightclub, "Bowery Ballroom" in a trancedental state of ecstacy releasing an unyet classifed gaseous radiation from his earlobes. It proceeded to slaughter 73 electronic engeneers and 4 employees while the rest of the people got down on their knees and praised Allah because that is the new dance groove. Consequently from this electro-defiant bender the cash spending armada known as Blanka raised 34 chickens and took home 4 beautiful blonde women. And beauty by Blanka standard is clawmarks down the spinal columns and anal blowouts from here to the bridge over river Kwai. Blanka then retreated to a Trump hideout and played no limit holdem for 76 hours and passed out from regurgetated vomit left in his throat. He spilled 6 bottles of French Cognac and 2 ashtrays. The death toll of a Fallujah block party was accounted for in the process of his annebriated armeggedon.

Popeye's Chicken is Fuckin' Awesome


One time, when i was wasted.

Shutup Kurnt.

I got drunk and said NIGGER. really loud.

And everyone laughed. we had a ball.

I felt that once

Ginkoff Week 2.2