This is the best way to get high on a Wednesday afternoon. According to the Surgeon General of Canada huffing from a muffler is more likely to cure impotence in most males 15-17. In the case of women it insures that if you are pregnant your offspring for the next 14 generations will have deformed spinal columns resulting in the extrication of an unleashed telekenitic ability from ancestral heritage. I've done numerous studies that have been published in Time, Gq, and TeenBop, with the fanfare all positive and applauding. Being a male above the age of 17 I found that it created a hyperbolic cyst on the ridges of my anus that speaks fervently through jeans, silk underwear and loin cloths. After reading this article if you have any questions on the matters of huffing a muffler please contact me at Neverland ranch. You know w

The morman Morrison tucked his "balls" and penis inside the cooter he hides under his gym shorts and started crying after he lost a little gamey game against some other queers who by default hate everything that is morman and John Stockton. Look at that douche. I even heard a woman complaining about him on Rush "repub" Limbaugh about how pussy it is to lick fellow man sweat on the hardtop. I can understand crying in football because usually you are to dumb because you neck has been jarred by 350 lb. dudes falling on your face with spandex butt rubbing your nostrils into your 5 head but this is just pathetic. The last time I cried like this is when I found out America hated that Amerikan Taliban dude and when Saddam stole my last Easter Peeps.

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