To deliver a motive to yourself is to become the harbinger of all the news you decide to hear from one ear and out the other. You can choose to shoot the messenger without hurting anyone else. I keep relying on an answer I got from reading "Fear and Trembling" where Kierkegaard quotes Hegel by saying,"that man is the moral form of evil." I don't know if that is exactly how he worded it but the gist is starting to make a lot of sense. Since the book or so what I've read so far talks about this massive paradox and it tends to become an enlightening contradiction with every paragraph that I read. I started thinking about the whole side of pessimism most of us clings onto because they are so afraid of living life thinking that everything is going to be alright. The truth of the fact is is that everything is going to suck at one time or another it's just better to be happy at the precise moment right before it happens so you have something of a betterment to look forward. That's why I'm going to quite drinking whiskey. After standing on top of a Holiday Inn and a whole night of other lunatic antics I've come to an epiphany about my friend Mr. Daniels. He is a hard ass motherfucker that lets you forget everything that you shouldn't because you tend to think that what you are thinking isn't worth remembering. Usually those thoughts are some sort of weight. I'm not saying I'm depressed because I'm not. I would rather say to myself and maybe to others that I am dealing with the fact that I actually put shit in front of a fan and let it splatter all over my face. It's like opening the refrigerator and leaving the box of cereal in there and wondering why you did that. It's because you weren't really thinking about it at the time. And that to me is a very broad metaphor for what has been going on. I haven't had the ability to gink out and photoshop so I think I'm going through a heavy withdrawal.
All the butchers are waiting for the cows to back up into their knives so they can play the beef dance round and round and Rocky can get a chance to break some ribs Sub-Zero style.
All the rain drops are really hits of acid and it makes you see reality as you would normally see it. That's why all the people in the desert are crazy because there is no sun and normal after a torrential downpour.
All the kittens in the world wont quench the hunger I feel for pogs and trogs.
I met someone once that told me everything I wanted to hear. I wish I had the chance for her to tell me those things again to see if I understood her language.
She is not with me now but with another who I think is probably more fluent in the same language.
This is why we pine over ourselves. Because Shakespeare was a homo. Because lucidity is a fraction of the portion you will receive from divinity.