
If I weren't one of the dolls. One head on a steak three in my pocket?

Your god isn't my god but it's a god we can both agree with. Don't worship the iUniverse it will eventually implode after its original explosion was just a fad 13 billion years in the making. And Confucius say,"The moment isn't the moment because the moment is a moment it's a moment because moments don't have moments like these moments." Red underwear is a farce and if you don't want to believe that ask the apple when it falls from the tree which family member is bound to wear whitey tighties the rest of his life. The answer will make you eat Domino's the rest of yours. So why does the scooter fall into the vacuum and why does the restroom have to become more automated? When everything becomes at the click of a button I will have more illegitamate children than Antoine Walker.

I need more money to finance a Stephen Hawking robot Krang that will take over Guam.

The holy trinity

Even though George Harrison was my favorite Beatle. Nothing sounds better than saying, "It's all about Jesus, John Lennon and Candybars.


bill clint.

everythings all bill clint nowadays.
its fuckin nice out though.
makes me drink beer in my underwear in the mornin, and go fuck yea freebird, smoke that rollie on the bench.
free rollies.
the holiest of rollies.

Im tired.

Give me a million dollars or im orderin a 20 piece chucken mc ted nugents. thatll scratch your cat.


Vonnegut was created because hipsters needed a messiah

I care about Kurt Vonnegut about as much as he cared about me. He never knew me but I think he felt my presence before I was born. He should've known who I was since Ginkfist impregnates the world on a daily basis. It should be a cold hard fact on Wikipedia that Vonnegut was jealous of Ginkfist but it isn't and someday we will die and no one will know anything about us. I'm rolling the dice to see if I can get robogentics in my later years so I can be like Krang and terrorize people with my brain presence. Maybe then will I tell everyone that I am the reincarnate of Satans fourth cousin that beat the shit out of Johnny Appleseed on a daily basis.

El Ginko has a hardon for beat poets. I don't mind that but he needs to settle the fuck down and drink some wine and smoke pipe/pole and cry about it for a while at folkfest. I think the venting will get his internet and photoshop skills back. Y'never know if you throw a penny into a well if some midget bum is going to steal your wishes away from you. It's like when you own a cat...because cats steal your breath in your sleep. That's why anyone who owns a cat has sleep apnea. You wont find that in a book because I just said it. And I don't know if you know this about me yet, but I'm kind of a big deal. I get to slap hookers in the face in the champagne room because I got a GED and I'm ballin' in all sorts of the nature.

Peace the fuck out vonnegut.

News of the gink. Again and Anigav.vaginA dna niagA . knig eht fo sweN

So vonnegut died. and everyone is gunna be all butthurt emo about it in town. I'm happy i wasn't of drinking age when andre the giant died or it would've been straight over. I've never read a complete vonnegut. i've read some of his quotes, but i dont think hes as important in literature as say, jesus. Jesus' book is true. same with mohammed, abraham, moses, and anyone else the bahai people worship. i wonder if bahai's have found out about L.Ron yet? thatll be interesting when they worship him, and tom cruise gives up bathing for a turban. i dont even really know vonnegut's full story. i know he wrote, and got POWed in the war, and hung out with nazi's in a slaughterhouse. i bet that right there is enough to make something worth reading. I doubt george W. has read vonnegut, but if the press asks he must say he has for the following reasons:

  • To be more bill clint.
  • because theres more books out there than the pet goat.
  • because bizzle isnt a virgin, and irwin can photoshop fat people.
  • i cant photoshop fat people, or skinny people.
  • lesbians.
  • mudbutt.

i think the last two reasons are the most important. I cant photoshop, because im on linux, which is the only thing older than vonnegut aside from the king of thailand. i feel like mosquitos are biting my fingers, and that crazy people read this shit and do crazy monkey backflips and then trail their shit all over the wall above the nickelodeon. it weirds me out that there are homeless crazy people. i was watching hbo the other night, and they showed a clip of a crazy mug ass midget bum. he even had the hat on his head, that you can see in your mind if you close your eyes and think crazy midget being a bum with fingerless gloves shoes with no soles but a great five o clock shadow keeping his cigar warm.


deeper and deeper

dont wait...it only causes striations in the muscle. and the muscle isnt worth the worth it seems to be worthy of.



Son someday you'll grow up to be a woman.

This is what I did when I saw that video

What the mother f is this?

I just sneezed farted puked had diarreah scratched my balls and found the holy grail at the lighthouse mission and spit in it so i could wash the horse i decided to eat twice before breakfast.

Gink Links

You can't run from this

The Hoff's cherry wagon goes up for sale

Sloppy Joe's errbody?

Muhfackin robots

Dingo ate my baby

Fuck Obama for Pres this new dude is next in line

This guy buys diapers in bulk

What now Jambi?



The big bang created this

I swear this is the hottest shit I've ever seen!


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Wired into the effects pedal of Kali, Shiva and Savador Dali by golly.

If you watched Demolition man you might have thought it sucked and figured that Wesley Snipes was just anotha brotha that looked like the bastard clone of Grace Jones. Although in a way you didn't realize you were looking at the industrial design of next gen technology. Albeit with now antiquated graphics, the 90's gave us archetectual foresight to what we are now making a fabric of reality. In the aesthetic of the modern era we are transforming our previous imaginations into something that is becoming a cultural mold in what we think the future should look like and be. Demolition man is a good example and try not to keep thinking that I have no grounds mentioning it because before you know it you horn dogs will spread so much disease around like taffy at a Fourth of July parade, we'll have to start using headsets to F.D.A.U someone.

Look at the work of dhis muther fucker right here Ross Lovegrove or Captain Organic as he probably likes to be called....in bed. He makes furnature. And not Sleep Country's "mattresses you can fuck on!"
I could do mass amounts of blow in there and have a Dorito finger lan party.

this guy's got some sort of Venom symbiote thing going on. I could melt down a bunch of bic pens and charge 50 G's for some modern futurism.

What are we trying to do here people?
Can't we go back into the stone age?
When our trailers had wood paneling?
The water bed?
Fuck even Hide-a-beds?
When we used a rickety ass lawn chairs on the concrete because we didn't have a lawn.
I want some answers from an Australian mistress.
And I want Drini or Buhleedhat to make me a chair that doesn't need my brainwaves to command it to sit under my ass.
This post almost sucks as much as this.

Truth is I'd rather not have the taste of Jameson in my mouth

The above header is not the reference to a man named Jameson leaving a dick stain in my throat. The truth is everyone leaves and no one stays. You'd be happy to know the person next to you on your deathbed. I've come to find permanence might as well be the name of a perfume. It doesn't last. That is of course if you got the Herpaghonnaspyphalaids. Then you are Drini. And you don't want to be Drinster.


Ginkfist Towers.

We haven't forgot about Klan bashing!

The Klan is a pretty funny organization when you think about it. White Supremacy? That shit hasn't been supreme since Red was coaching the Celtics and they one all those titles back in the day. Or when the Yanks had Babe. Nowadays all the white boys got is Steve Nash and Dirk McGirt. A black friend of mine once told me that he likes black people but hates niggers. I like white people but I hate rednecks, crackers, the ones from Delaware, hipster white people and black, and emo kids. I do hate Mark Jackson but that isn't because he's black its because he has more money than me and I always hated the Pacers(Especially Rick Smits). The Klan acts a bunch of fool because they drink Keystone Light and think its a good idea to burn a perfectly good cross one they could be using to crucify ol Jarvis down at the hardware store because he hasn't aint sold dhem dhere ho hos for a coon's age now. It'll be many moons until we can get the klan and their homies back on some Geraldo. Untill then there is only Ginkfist. A thought just popped into my head. And of course its porn related...what if we made klan porn? Wouldn't that just give you nightmares? I think I'm going to go join the crips.

WWW.KKK.com states that they are bringing a message of hope and deliverance to white christian america! A message of love not hate!

If you want to look at dead klansman 6 feet under click here. Thank the lord for their passing and I hope the rest a good farewell in hell. I'm sure they were good white folk but I never really cared if they were good to white people. Fuck Dennis Stoops and Stump Sisson.
Mr. Cobb...

...this is Stump Sisson,
Grand Dragon of Mississippi.

You were looking for us?

You were right to call us,
Mr. Cobb.

They say the Klan is dead.

Klan don't show up
for a few years and...

...people say the Klan is dead.

Fact is, it just looks dead.
Peace...I'm out like white on rice.

No folkfest this year for me
