The Klan is a pretty funny organization when you think about it. White Supremacy? That shit hasn't been supreme since Red was coaching the Celtics and they one all those titles back in the day. Or when the Yanks had Babe. Nowadays all the white boys got is Steve Nash and Dirk McGirt. A black friend of mine once told me that he likes black people but hates niggers. I like white people but I hate rednecks, crackers, the ones from Delaware, hipster white people and black, and emo kids. I do hate Mark Jackson but that isn't because he's black its because he has more money than me and I always hated the Pacers(Especially Rick Smits). The Klan acts a bunch of fool because they drink Keystone Light and think its a good idea to burn a perfectly good cross one they could be using to crucify ol Jarvis down at the hardware store because he hasn't aint sold dhem dhere ho hos for a coon's age now.

It'll be many moons until we can get the klan and their homies back on some Geraldo. Untill then there is only
Ginkfist. A thought just popped into my head. And of course its porn related...what if we made klan porn? Wouldn't that just give you nightmares? I think I'm going to go join the crips.
WWW.KKK.com states that they are bringing a message of hope and deliverance to white christian america! A message of love not hate!If you want to look at dead klansman 6 feet under click
here. Thank the lord for their passing and I hope the rest a good farewell in hell. I'm sure they were good white folk but I never really cared if they were good to white people. Fuck Dennis Stoops and Stump Sisson.
Mr. Cobb...
...this is Stump Sisson,
Grand Dragon of Mississippi.
You were looking for us?
You were right to call us,
Mr. Cobb.
They say the Klan is dead.
Klan don't show up
for a few years and...
...people say the Klan is dead.
Fact is, it just looks dead.
Peace...I'm out like white on rice.