
If I weren't one of the dolls. One head on a steak three in my pocket?

Your god isn't my god but it's a god we can both agree with. Don't worship the iUniverse it will eventually implode after its original explosion was just a fad 13 billion years in the making. And Confucius say,"The moment isn't the moment because the moment is a moment it's a moment because moments don't have moments like these moments." Red underwear is a farce and if you don't want to believe that ask the apple when it falls from the tree which family member is bound to wear whitey tighties the rest of his life. The answer will make you eat Domino's the rest of yours. So why does the scooter fall into the vacuum and why does the restroom have to become more automated? When everything becomes at the click of a button I will have more illegitamate children than Antoine Walker.

I need more money to finance a Stephen Hawking robot Krang that will take over Guam.

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