Sometimes I wonder what the new look is going to be like in a year from now. Girls are wearing all sorts of weird dresses and guys reverted back to tight pants and still rock faux-hawks like it's nobodies business. Some days I just want to strip butt naked and wear fake wrestling belts all over my body and do my hair in a halfro-mullet hawk Jerry curl super part and wear a wig on both shoulders. Then I could mobb deep on a tricycle with 34 inch rims and 14 sub woofers blasting OMC or some D.R.E. I'm pretty sure the ladies would laugh at me until someone with some real cash started doing it. I need to lobby for Ludacris to wear what I just said and tell him and Don Magic Juan to run with it. I could be credited for putting P. Diddy out of his clothing line and bringing F.U.B.U up to competitive status again.
Remember F.U.B.U.? Fucked Up Butt Undies? For Underage Boys United? Free Umbrellas By Uruguay? Fred's Upper Bung Unitard? F.U.B.U brought us a golden age of whiteheads rocking the most baggy attire known to man and donkey alike. I still laugh out loud when I see some pasty albino thuggin' down the street cause his momma just gave him $34.99 to spend on a rag tag jersey.

Mommas don't let your children grow up in FUBU.
Seriously it will rot your brain more than Mentos and Diet-Coke.
Since I'm on a rant on how people should look I figure I should talk a little bit about the Goth chick. I don't really care what you wear but I do. I'm sure you do too. I do really really care about how you should look in public because I am a Communist and a good Commie thinks you should wear all white spandex and if you get any stains or dirt on them it's four climbs up the flag pole greased in Vaseline and if you don't get the paddle you need to smack your ass with at the top in four tries its to the iron maiden or Chinese water torture with Nickleback playing in the background for 57 years straight. This woman or wants to be woman chose to look like Bela Lugosi and put a bowl on her head for that little extra in her hair that says,"Razor my neck just a little and suck the blood and spit it in my eye so I can complain about my weird fetish."

Seriously what the fuck is that? She looks like she is about to bite the leg off of a newborn giraffe. She really doesn't look in the mirror and say to herself,"I might as well end it soon." I would bet that she still goes to Sunday School like that just to get a rise out of everyone so she feels like she did it for a purpose. The purpose to tickle my anus with a grotesque apathy that I endure just to bring you my ardor of it's sheer existence.

Yes this guy listens to Clan of Xymox.
You would think by now I would have talked about how those Emos and the Hipsters dress. But we all know my anger would cause a nuclear explosion so great God would get a sun tan. Goth's and poser gangsters are almost a little too easy. I guess it's better than complaining about how the Dutch wear their underwear on their head and their boots on their chins.
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