
The pope's hangover on a sinking ship.

Nine years old. She was nine years old when jesus saved her. "it was the greatest joy you could ever feel." That terrifies me. Nine year olds already know redemption from rapture in their heart of hearts and believe they are in god's good blessing. I'm twice her age, and haven't had jesus talk to me like that yet. i dont know how that doesnt terrify her. I've heard that the rapture doesn't appear in the bible. i think it would make sense that the individual word wouldn't show up in a modern day translation in english. but it is in there as a greek word: Harpazo. the occurence of one word doesnt really take away from the greater picture. and that picture is:


football is where its at. War should occur as football. The end of times as well. Shit would get settled. I think America would still be a world superpower. We got both the hulk, and maybe the utlimate warrior, if hes still kickin around. We had chris beniot, but he went fuckin insane. No bueno chris beniot. Fuck yes to three languages in that last sentence. Football is the best time of year, minus the 16 hours of darkness for 6 months, and the perpetual drinking that ensues.

So remember, the end of time is neigh, only 8 mother fuckin weeks left. so lighten up, take it easy on the sauce, and read some chuck norris facts instead of all those holy books.

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