I don't really know what the problem is but I have this feeling when I look at Mr. Quinn that tells me he is one of those guys who secretly hurls unopened Coors light cans at old ladies and then out of the shadows goes and helps them from cardiac arrest and everyone thinks he's a hero for doing it. I'm on to you Brady Bunch. This guy is a poster child for drunken frat boys everywhere. I've seen like twenty clones of this guy standing in the bar talking about god knows what. Usually those types talk about something some other guy said or did and how they could be better at it especially if they had 12 Coors Lights. My ultimate nightmare is seeing this guy in a 69 with Pete Wentz and Mother Teresa in a gimp suit forcing me to watch it. All the while playing Guitar Hero's last level which consists of Nickelback's cover of Freebird backwards. I'm glad this schmuck is on the Cleveland Browns. He's a shit stain on a shit stain team and he's going to throw shit stained footballs.

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