


Ginkoff week 1

Celeb news of the Gink

Barry Bonds announced yestetrday that he might quit sucking sweet nectar from McGuire and Sosa's bicep and give up baseball. He has a chance to break Aarons record and still further prove that his steroid dealer is Scott Steiner. I believe that when I go on benders that usually I'm partying with either Darryl Strawhat or Bondo Barry and Scott Steiner with a big giant pancho and a sombrero. I think Barry has got about 34 more years in him at the rate he is taking the juice. Even Andrew Bryniarski in The Program couldn't take it to the limit. The cross on his left ear has been stretched so much from his Goldbergs and neck that it now appears to be on his right ear. I'm not saying that he's gay or anything but I'm sure his anus has taken a few from the Bat Boy. And yes by Bat Boy I do mean Robin III from DC comics. And this doesn't have to do with any of the recent Ricky Williams failed drug tests but I did give him the bong and told him that he was Predator enough to take out anyone who tells him he shouldn't go to India and eat cows in front of Shivas face reinacting Cheech and Chong all night long with a fat rasta blunt smoking out his ears.

Ginkworld...Shang Tsung...Shares???

we are cumming.

What's better than Asian Folk music? Nothing dickwad. Get me some cheetos.



Kissinger grew my toenails

I was fishing in the Planck Equation for a sweet jar of tupelo honey. Snoopy was there and so was Arthur C. Clark. We were talking about the destiny of communist Vagina and the descreet skeet skeet of a beat. I was confronted with Clark doing a jig to 180 bpm Squarepusher, and Snoopy jiving stray cat strut 80 bpm arguing the fact that 140 bpm shouldn't be the standard but something around the 115-125 ratio. This somehow churned its butter into the Vaginal discourse and discredit of the lubricated clitty dit mitty spitties on how fast you should rotate your finger to the beat of Autechre on some sweet pussy. Now the Vag at the Planck level is a quantum fluctuated photonic depression squeezed in the fabric of inner space and the vanilla fluid cream is molecularly distraught with the friction caused by the rotation of phalanges tempted to use more inertia to move faster and faster. Now the Keplar laws of Penile motion state, "The amount of "flattening" of the ellipse is termed the eccentricity. Thus, in the following figure the ellipses become more eccentric from left to right. A circle may be viewed as a special case of an ellipse with zero eccentricity, while as the ellipse becomes more flattened the eccentricity approaches one. Thus, all ellipses have eccentricities lying between zero and one."
Well now what do we have here? 0 and 1 beats per minute from left to right in a flat motion? Do you think the nanopuss has much to offer from o to 1? Well...it depends on if Arthur C. Clark has 2001 and beats per odypussy or if Snoopy can sniff the Charlie Brownfinger to the right angle. Now the tangent lines of the finger spreading lips of Vag is not accounted for in this segment. You will have to read further documentation in my new essay entitled, " Douchphi Penile Disrectumor Plastoecene Comma Craindo Dippy town Sine your pitty on the clitt kind."
Here we have two segmented philos in a brutal technique most commonly knows as fourplay using 2ply. As this trialogue defaced our most common properties being that we should just get on with the drum and bass face plant hard in the pillow sex action we found that properly designing a plan of Penile motion would only agree to our libidos whether it be by the function of Viagra or a dog bone or just plain ol' hamburger porn. But the fact at hand is should Autechre set the rotation of Penile Motion or Brian Setzer orchestrate the plunge and or the Fruity Loop Yamaha set standard. Even through multiple equations and 100 sticks of Mentholated chalk the group was set to stand at a halt. Until I realized at the Planck Level a Vag is more commonly attracted to quantum aggitators and aggressors like Quarks and Neon Muon. Applying this to the equations it seems more understandable to set Setzer(which now we will call S) to a gradual function about 10 bpm per 2 minutes starting at 80 bpm. This will infact set the motion of the ocean to an orgasmic tendency. Snoopy then added that if we align the gradual S to an added Pitchshifted Autechre loop this will send quarks to a steady state and muons out of the question.
Now does this technically transmute into a difinitive state of constant pleasure to the Quantum Vag or just propose more confusion to the Clitoral concept of elliptical rotation at a varied and accelerated bpm transfer to pleasure?


Shang Tsung says,"Your soul is mine donkey fucker!"

and who's lucky soul?

gink no longer constitutes the peculiarity of a person. It is the definition of dead fish buried in the sand.
AKA: Stink Eggs.
Get it right.
There is no flux in the evolution
of man.
Just a dead fish to human ratio

Slow down Sluts.




How do mermaids procreate?

Oh hello there little person.


I've turned a new leaf

Recently in an archeological dig I found a monilith with a lost Religion inscribed on it.


20,000 Ginks under the sea

Sometimes we wish this shit wasnt really real.

Sometimes wu-tang speaks to us all.
"she's not even worth it to go raw there."

"Sunset love potion, prize sunrise sail, lay on the couch while I clip your toenails"

Fuck. im spent. i was gunna kick ass. but that toenail is that mad note son.

Beef in yo mouf


At least you aren't these guys

I think I might be Noah

suck my dick

Drink some 40's at my crib death

Plop Plop

you can take a shit here if you want

Celeb news of the Gink

In sight of all the things I could talk about I want to note the fact that I got a tip from a special "insider" saying that Jared Leto was doing some very very nasty things. Despite being a Rider of Lohan, this man has snorted his way sober. I have not heard of anything so vile and disgusting in my life. He was checked into a rehab clinic to get back on the horse from a very good friend...yep you guessed it our good buddy Darryl Strawberry. I had hopes for Leto in ruining his life and killing himself. Hephaestian would have been proud. Would have. I hope this pretty piece of shit gets them drizzugs and forces them down Lohans throat so she can keisterpack a kilo into her studio and feed them to her little sister so we can have femsluts in training for the future of the Letogens to cum. Is it really so hard to just blow all your money on cranksluts of doom and just tear a hole in your stomach by feeding it with pounds of acid? No its not. Why are you sober? You shouldn't be. You should not follow Christian rule or Asiatic mongoloids, farm equipment, Dr. Phil(unless the texas whiskey has kicked in), formans at the fishplant, steelworkers, Chester Cobblepot, Steven Speilburger, diarrhetics, aphids and King Ramses. Get wasted and never look back because a higher education means you smoke lots of birds and rocks and trees and things. I've been through the desert on a gink with no name. I wish I was Bradley Nowell...so I could die! Ha ha take that bitches who have big nasty fetuses hanging off of their tumorous 5heads dipping into the kool-aid that was laced with PCP and degenerative disease. I eat Langoliers, skin off of Pontius spears and a dick that just didn't stop oozing jello for 40 days and 40 nights. Take a hike fucker and don't look back because I need to swim in the blood of 36 virgins to stay alive on an airplane for 2 minutes. Make me a whisky sour so I can pour it on my genital warts. It's easy being the king.

Trash Talking in the Early Morn'

I was walking down street one day
When the rain came out to play
And Queen Latifah told me i was gay
So I told her not look that way

I was talking like a nigger one day
When some niggers came out to play
They didnt like what i had to say
So I capped those jive turkeys with
my piece and jumped over to my shorty's
pad to get straight with some ice

I started signing to a dog one day
When the sky started turning gray
And then the doors to Galligaskins opened
and these wierd gink monsters came out
and tried to convert the dog to
midgetology and then The-iticus
jumped down to the street
from the rooftop and started fighting
the ginks and then out of the chemtrails
came stealth fighters piloted by Ray Charles
and Stevie Wonder, they dropped missles
and shit and tried to kill everybody.

And then I said "nothing for nothing, I'd
rather just sit up here and watch it all from
my window and get shit-housed"



Cummingtonite: (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2

Girls with tight jeans, butts, twats, boobs and budgets

Kalimaah Shizmaa and Blastaar the son God of Darkseid

I was kickin it like a normal hoodrat on the stoop. Eating some funyuns watching the bunyuns walk on by. I had this scene scarred in my tonsils that I couldn't get out of my head where Angelina Jolie walks down the street and takes this big giant shit and this robot formulates out of her dung heap and creates this Superbowl commercial out of soup from Uranus. That plagued my mind until I got an acid flashback of this time I was in a concentration camp in India for slaying fourty cows and blaming it on aliens for a mutagenetic experiment to enhance the better half of the world to have a larger predominately white penis. It was a vivid recollection and I have a picture of the creature that enslaved me to have sex with his 16 beautiful daughters as the rituallistic punishment:As you can see this is clearly something a homey doesn't want to see while having a neuropolitique acid wash bath in the grips of a tortuous sex master and his fruitful memories flashback-to-bare. This is all relative to something different as well as these two gentlemen entertwined like the fabric of the cosmos and a DeoxyRyboNukeAcid strand:

When they emerge to form one it is known as this:

You must learn to love and like all things that are of the Shizmaa. Acid helps a lot thought. So does two ravens having sex on a rooftop where homeless people sleep sometimes.


After its gink

its in the stink.

Borak the Shmeex

I am Mary and her little Lamb. The Epicurean flavor of fine tastes both in women and voracity. The callous meager senator of the gluttonous urge to purge the embodiement of self. A consummate Christ in the diner of black bodied radiation. Fermenting seagull feces in a canister of ooze to feed the molasses masses. Thick with gender-free oxide malnutrition. CSI cadaver rendition. The Broadway fag in you track mark suspension. Nipple ringed toad galloping on Pegusi. Horrid Paladin seeping into the kingdom of Candyland pedophiliac mania. Hold the phone I'm on the line with...Randle El.


Islam should bitch at their own kind. Not anyone else's fault for
their own suicidebeamers making it easy to make fun of them.
I thought Christies and Zoroastrians were funny fucks, but those
rags take the cake. More power to the Danish for telling them
shit they already know but in a kind fashion through the god'ol cartoon.
Peace the fuck out Mohammed. Don't see Lou Alcindor gettin' his panties
in a bunch. Not like ya gotta read the shit in the first place. In fact I bet
Mohammed, Jesus, and Buddha are brokeback to the mountain
smokin' a fat hashish Lebanese cig. Talk about something better, like
is that slug taken? I really want to eat it with a fat bag of sodium cakes
and a poy slushy to go. The world has bigger problems like what sanitary
wipe are we going to use after toilet paper runs out? Some sort of canister
with air in it so we can blast the pasty poo off of our crackadillydoos?
Are spears better than coffee cups in trebuchets? Hold on I gotta go



Bitch, Im a mean ass cheadle.


I dont think everyone out there is feelin this man enough, so lets recap what hes done:

First black man to Mars.
First black man in Vietnam.
First black man to Dunk.
First black man to be a reporter.
First black man to be in HD television.

as if that wasnt enough. hes the first man to survive a roundhouse kick from chuck norris (This is being independently verified*) Cheadle called us this morning to let us know about the roundhouse felt round the world. Supposedly its the reason that seattles even in the superbowl.

Im in the future bitch!