Barry Bonds announced yestetrday that he might quit sucking sweet nectar from McGuire and Sosa's bicep and give up baseball. He has a chance to break Aarons record and still further prove that his steroid dealer is
Scott Steiner. I believe that when I go on benders that usually I'm partying with either Darryl Strawhat or Bondo Barry and Scott Steiner with a big giant pancho and a sombrero. I think Barry has got about 34 more years in him at the rate he is taking the juice. Even
Andrew Bryniarski in The Program couldn't take it to the limit. The cross on his left ear has been stretched so much from his Goldbergs and neck that it now appears to be on his right ear. I'm not saying that he's gay or anything but I'm sure his anus has taken a few from the Bat Boy. And yes by Bat Boy I do mean Robin III from DC comics. And this doesn't have to do with any of the recent Ricky Williams failed drug tests but I did give him the bong and told him that he was Predator enough to take out anyone who tells him he shouldn't go to India and eat cows in front of Shivas face reinacting Cheech and Chong all night long with a fat rasta blunt smoking out his ears.
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