I was kickin it like a normal hoodrat on the stoop. Eating some funyuns watching the bunyuns walk on by. I had this scene scarred in my tonsils that I couldn't get out of my head where Angelina Jolie walks down the street and takes this big giant shit and this robot formulates out of her dung heap and creates this Superbowl commercial out of soup from Uranus. That plagued my mind until I got an acid flashback of this time I was in a concentration camp in India for slaying fourty cows and blaming it on aliens for a mutagenetic experiment to enhance the better half of the world to have a larger predominately white penis. It was a vivid recollection and I have a picture of the creature that enslaved me to have sex with his 16 beautiful daughters as the rituallistic punishment:
As you can see this is clearly something a homey doesn't want to see while having a neuropolitique acid wash bath in the grips of a tortuous sex master and his fruitful memories flashback-to-bare. This is all relative to something different as well as these two gentlemen entertwined like the fabric of the cosmos and a DeoxyRyboNukeAcid strand:

When they emerge to form one it is known as this:

You must learn to love and like all things that are of the Shizmaa. Acid helps a lot thought. So does two ravens having sex on a rooftop where homeless people sleep sometimes.
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