In recent news today Axl Rose was seen smoking to what appears to the naked eye a cigarette. Yet informants of the Taliban have told me that it's actually an atomic pressured geological diamond. You can smoke the diamond apparently to preserve your life strain. The more odd thing is that every puff you take a sweet child of mine clone manifests itself in some sort of hallucinogenic quantum vision. You can as Al-Tariq Swaheed Diam Moedeek says use the vision as a receptacle for eternal preservation of donkey pubes! Can you believe that fucking shit? I was baffled when I heard it. But I also realized that a theoretical article had been published in Revolver magazine just 67 years before I found out the Talibanic infomatigrams. We had Ginkhole pose as a cop to see if the shit was a truism and sure enough it was. He was then pulverized by Joe C's ghost and taken to a secret facility where Harry Potter fans proceeded to rape him of all his dignity and take the ashes from the cig to formulate a Dumbledore hybrid Axl donkey quasar pube. This quasar pube as he told Al-Tariq Swaheed Diam Moedeek lets you inhabit the minds of 12 year old boys and girls and tell them to start acting in Greek Oedipus plays and reinact them in your household. Crazy crazy day.
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