14 inches of snow and in the negatives

Right now there are twenty thousand tardos stuck on I-5 because they went to watch the Seahawks. Seahawks are fags and you can quote me on this for my epitaph. Everyone who plays on that team and manages it are fags. I'm going to get my cloning machine and make 400 lb. Chad Johnsons and get 30 of him to receive the ball and make up my new team. The Bellingham Rum-runners so the Seahawks can have an interstate rivalry team. They could just play the Everett baseball team and have a ruff rydin' time.

I have something you all should see. Turn your head if you don't want to see a nasty twat.
K-FED hit that.

For now you will live in a sweet obscenity
The skyline is a coruscated number
The number one talks of when music is prime and incoherant
Await the yellow cab to float you across the stygian sea
Styx has all those who have serenated and the ones I've met in an incoherant saunter
Billow the camels breath
the comfort is in the orange orb inside a 76 ellipse
Mandlebrot is my correction
Slivers of the equation blink in the cafeteria prismatic ejecta
its all good to be true
The number one talks of when music is prime and incoherant
Await the yellow cab to float you across the stygian sea
Styx has all those who have serenated and the ones I've met in an incoherant saunter
Billow the camels breath
the comfort is in the orange orb inside a 76 ellipse
Mandlebrot is my correction
Slivers of the equation blink in the cafeteria prismatic ejecta
its all good to be true
The death of El Ginko
El Ginko at this very moment claims he is sick and dying. I don'y believe him because he is a little bitch. I've been on a four day bender drowning my sorrows and getting ready to become a Super Saiyan. I sell no-way products and have a shrine of Drini that I pray to. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. I saw two dudes kissing the other day and maybe the sight of that made El Ginko sick.
Alas the corpses look like Paris Hilton and Freddy Mercury.

This man does not have a gatorade mullet but he is the CHINESE COLONEL SANDERS! He brings chicken to communism. That little red book they're carrying around over there is actually chicken recipes to enhance the Chinese cuisine. This man is the ambassador of bringing out the old cat/dog regime and stuffing in the new army of chicken consuming champions. Like these guys:

aren't you?
I like that picture because you can't be too proud of the beer that you drink. It describes your whole persona and gives everyone a reason to hate you. You can't hate someone just because they drink water everyone drinks water. Unless it's flavored Aquafina that gives you preformance enhancing drugs and then they say,"Mr. Merriman you are hopped up on Tongan steroids you must not play football for a little while." Speaking of beer...our favorite black man that's not Buhleedhat but a suave space man named BILLY DEE WILLIAMS endorses one of our favorite beers. Just to remind you this isn't any photoshop trickery either this is the real deeely yo.

I'm so sure right? If I had Colt 45 I'd be looking down the tunnel of the nice belly of a Tundra Wookie and Maury serving me a contract to appear on his show to see if I was the father of an Ewok Downey Jr. that does backflips for William Shatner on FOX. Another man I am also proud of endorsing Colt 45 is my homey Rogers!
Bush goes to vietnam to talk about iraq.

brilliant. lets just go to the last place that we unjustly invaded under the guise of stopping oppresion, and tell them how we're unjustly invading someone else under the guise of stopping oppression. I give a shit about politics, somewhat. but im not gunna preach. he could be an idiot. but if so, then hes the idiot whos twice elected in the worlds "most powerful nation" most powerful means: "Hates gays,jews, and any other minorities. unless youre from texas and really fuckin rich, dont talk to me." i wish i was most powerful sometimes, but im a damn democrat, we get vneck sweaters and paid half as much as republicans.
Drini, do you know Java?
Ginkfist never forgets.

I think this image was made in the beginning of june, maybe late may. not too sure. but it was before we had any hi res pics of the drin. as for new drini posts. my computer wont allow it, i think its pullin a hal outta my kubrick. i kept tryin to make drini maul or drinibacca, and my computer would hang whenever i got the cutouts correctly done. one time i didnt a print screen and got this lil gem though. i wasnt done editing it yet, but you get the damn gist.

Mad to be saved.

and on the seventh day he rested...
These words mark the beginning of the 700th post. today is the 318th day of the year. if we had started the fist on the 1st of january, we would have delivered you guys at least two posts a day. we started sometime in late jan. I dont know what i get out of ginkfist, perhaps satisfaction that a selective group of miscreants occasionally peruse it and peridocally comment on it. perhaps i enjoy the fact that drini reads the fist occasionally. i dont know if i've changed in the last 11months. i dont know if i was supposed to, or if ginkfist would have served as a catalyst for it. I still smoke, still drink, still can't afford to eat out twice a month or pay for anything above the occasional high life at the bar. no kids, nor marriage. i think i may be a bit happier since the fist started, but thats because me and gink were drinkin more than ginkhole ever has when this shit started. My job sucks and i havent been laid in three months. i dont know if there is a god, or if he was there before the fist.
Respiration is controlled by the autonomous nerve system. located in the brain stem. I have a brain tumor on my brain stem, maybe thats why the simple act of breathing is pretty fucking tough sometimes, for everyone. one of my family friends got diagnosed with cancer yesterday, and i'm afraid we may soon lose another one to cancer. i dont know if this means life sucks, i dont think it does. life is shit, but it doesnt suck, if it sucked, you wouldnt be able to drink beer. think about it.
sorryforgettingallhepcatjohnny on you guys, hes a real fag.
p.s. this is just the beginning. as things perpetually are. we will deliver 700 more gems in due time. buhleedhat.
This just in: breaking news of the gink

Dating service!
Want to find the person that loves you and you don't know it yet and neither do they?
It's a soulmate calculator.
What the fuck is a soulmate anyways? There are things now that I used to understand but I really don't have a clue as to what they are. Befriended by confusion rocks. "Must be the one who's magic touch can change your mind don't let another day go by without the magic touch," is what Neil Young says. What the fuck does that mean? I honestly don't understand how people stay tofind a homeless woman I can wed and tell her that I'm just as broke as she is but if we have love we won't need anything else.gether for 49 years. One could say well you haven't been with someone 49 years so thereis no reason you could understand. What if I want to understand? And what If I want that supreme Voltron toy to be under the Christmas tree. Oh wait I'm Muslim and then Daddy says,"Tuff luck player." I guess if I wanted to understand it I would have been wearing black rimmed glasses whored a man purse blah blah blah ages ago. It's not like I can syphon an answer from anyone I know. I'll just suck the poison out of my own leg get drunk off of it and
Then 49 years later I can go back in time because the Nintendo Wii will have evolved from its primal state from the year 2006 into a technobiological masterpiece of logic and reason and assumption. It will teleport me to the present day which is when ever you end up reading this and I can tell everyone about how the fuck princess is just a girl sitting at the end of the packed bar making eyes at the guy behind you but you think it's you and you go over there and she pours beer on your priapism. It's a cold bitter beer world and it runs all over your dick. It soakes it with a saturated lifestyle and will leave that morning breath and raunchy oder of donkey leper sex for the next guy to roll in like a dog does with dead salmon. Because someones dead salmon, is always waiting for someone else to roll in it. This is what monks figured out. And that's why they have sex with little boys. And no I'm not telling you to go buy some subwoofers and have your little brother sit on them and you end up taking the woofers place some day. You people I swear. I guess that's why you are here. Waiting to fap to my broken boarder jumping english.
Pamela Anderson will give you Tiki Man scabies.
A venus flytrap is better than a fleshlight.
Wisdom is an old man who drinks snake venom.
This guy is rad.
Don't lie to yourself. You know you want to be him. My purpose is to evoke the self hatred in you.
Don't you want him as your soulmate?
Or that Tickle-Me-Elmo?
I may not know what a soulmate is...but I do know how to get one.
What the fuck is a soulmate anyways? There are things now that I used to understand but I really don't have a clue as to what they are. Befriended by confusion rocks. "Must be the one who's magic touch can change your mind don't let another day go by without the magic touch," is what Neil Young says. What the fuck does that mean? I honestly don't understand how people stay tofind a homeless woman I can wed and tell her that I'm just as broke as she is but if we have love we won't need anything else.gether for 49 years. One could say well you haven't been with someone 49 years so thereis no reason you could understand. What if I want to understand? And what If I want that supreme Voltron toy to be under the Christmas tree. Oh wait I'm Muslim and then Daddy says,"Tuff luck player." I guess if I wanted to understand it I would have been wearing black rimmed glasses whored a man purse blah blah blah ages ago. It's not like I can syphon an answer from anyone I know. I'll just suck the poison out of my own leg get drunk off of it and

Pamela Anderson will give you Tiki Man scabies.
A venus flytrap is better than a fleshlight.
Wisdom is an old man who drinks snake venom.
Right now I'm laughing at,"Pam Anderson will give you Tiki Man scabies."
Say it in your head. Then think of it as a delta-blues song.
If I had a mutant power it would be able to smoke cigarettes and not get cancer from it. Quitting is a bitch. It's like I'm on the rag. I'm trying to do like...one day no smoking and one day a cig or two. For now. I need to get used to not having one. But maybe looking forward to the one the next day is enabling-bling me.

Say it in your head. Then think of it as a delta-blues song.

This guy is rad.
Don't lie to yourself. You know you want to be him. My purpose is to evoke the self hatred in you.
Don't you want him as your soulmate?
Or that Tickle-Me-Elmo?
I may not know what a soulmate is...but I do know how to get one.

keep on truckin.
fuck, almost 700 posts. if we start doin meth we could hit 1000 by new years.
Drini, You should recommend an edit on the medal of honor wiki Here, it says at the top that the coast guard medal of honor hasn't been awarded. but, according to Douglas Albert Munro's Medal of honor Citation located on the uscg's .mil server he received a medal that looked something like this if at the MoH wiki its just stating that no one has received the one that was designed after signalman munro's assignment of the medal, it should be cleaned up, and ginkfist still doesn't have a rock n roll related stub. we got aunt gertrude and shit.
Drini, You should recommend an edit on the medal of honor wiki Here, it says at the top that the coast guard medal of honor hasn't been awarded. but, according to Douglas Albert Munro's Medal of honor Citation located on the uscg's .mil server he received a medal that looked something like this if at the MoH wiki its just stating that no one has received the one that was designed after signalman munro's assignment of the medal, it should be cleaned up, and ginkfist still doesn't have a rock n roll related stub. we got aunt gertrude and shit.
What it really takes to be a man.
Tony knowles is running for governor of this state.
he said this on one of his commercials:
"it takes love and hard work to make a family"
i thought it took whiskey and sex.
perhaps were both right.
he said this on one of his commercials:
"it takes love and hard work to make a family"
i thought it took whiskey and sex.
perhaps were both right.
Jesus, dont cry.
You were right about the stars, each one is a setting sun.
its winter time in alaska.
i dont sleep correctly.
it was repent time on television.
the church of technicolor.
i turned on and tuned out,
the lady yelling.
christ lady, i dont know.
i laughed, rolled over and passed out.
its winter time in alaska.
i dont sleep correctly.
it was repent time on television.
the church of technicolor.
i turned on and tuned out,
the lady yelling.
christ lady, i dont know.
i laughed, rolled over and passed out.
Chainlink Fence
Someone who is more hung that Saddam.
Alaskan Bears that don't die...what a pudwhacker.
The proof that The English fap more than any other country.
Jap's find out that Dolphins used to have legs 50 years after I figure it out.
Uncle don't have teeth! Blend his McDonald's for him!
Music that doesn't mean much but you'll check it out anyway because its underground and tell everyone to like it while you move on to bigger and better things just to be one step ahead of the fad.
Priests know about the happy ending!
the man.
Alaskan Bears that don't die...what a pudwhacker.
The proof that The English fap more than any other country.
Jap's find out that Dolphins used to have legs 50 years after I figure it out.
Uncle don't have teeth! Blend his McDonald's for him!
Music that doesn't mean much but you'll check it out anyway because its underground and tell everyone to like it while you move on to bigger and better things just to be one step ahead of the fad.
Priests know about the happy ending!
the man.
Boots and circles.

are the shapes of mcdonalds chicken mcnuggets.
sometimes you get boot circles, which vaguely resembles a paralellogram.
and the rarest of all is the lousiana, or as i call it
das boot fasho youngin, holla black strait off the mutha fuckin chain
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