and on the seventh day he rested...
These words mark the beginning of the 700th post. today is the 318th day of the year. if we had started the fist on the 1st of january, we would have delivered you guys at least two posts a day. we started sometime in late jan. I dont know what i get out of ginkfist, perhaps satisfaction that a selective group of miscreants occasionally peruse it and peridocally comment on it. perhaps i enjoy the fact that drini reads the fist occasionally. i dont know if i've changed in the last 11months. i dont know if i was supposed to, or if ginkfist would have served as a catalyst for it. I still smoke, still drink, still can't afford to eat out twice a month or pay for anything above the occasional high life at the bar. no kids, nor marriage. i think i may be a bit happier since the fist started, but thats because me and gink were drinkin more than ginkhole ever has when this shit started. My job sucks and i havent been laid in three months. i dont know if there is a god, or if he was there before the fist.
Respiration is controlled by the autonomous nerve system. located in the brain stem. I have a brain tumor on my brain stem, maybe thats why the simple act of breathing is pretty fucking tough sometimes, for everyone. one of my family friends got diagnosed with cancer yesterday, and i'm afraid we may soon lose another one to cancer. i dont know if this means life sucks, i dont think it does. life is shit, but it doesnt suck, if it sucked, you wouldnt be able to drink beer. think about it.
sorryforgettingallhepcatjohnny on you guys, hes a real fag.
p.s. this is just the beginning. as things perpetually are. we will deliver 700 more gems in due time. buhleedhat.
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