This man does not have a gatorade mullet but he is the CHINESE COLONEL SANDERS! He brings chicken to communism. That little red book they're carrying around over there is actually chicken recipes to enhance the Chinese cuisine. This man is the ambassador of bringing out the old cat/dog regime and stuffing in the new army of chicken consuming champions. Like these guys:

aren't you?
I like that picture because you can't be too proud of the beer that you drink. It describes your whole persona and gives everyone a reason to hate you. You can't hate someone just because they drink water everyone drinks water. Unless it's flavored Aquafina that gives you preformance enhancing drugs and then they say,"Mr. Merriman you are hopped up on Tongan steroids you must not play football for a little while." Speaking of beer...our favorite black man that's not Buhleedhat but a suave space man named BILLY DEE WILLIAMS endorses one of our favorite beers. Just to remind you this isn't any photoshop trickery either this is the real deeely yo.

I'm so sure right? If I had Colt 45 I'd be looking down the tunnel of the nice belly of a Tundra Wookie and Maury serving me a contract to appear on his show to see if I was the father of an Ewok Downey Jr. that does backflips for William Shatner on FOX. Another man I am also proud of endorsing Colt 45 is my homey Rogers!
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