I posted on gayspace that he died at 4:16am Iraqi time. Cnn didnt announce it offically until one hour, fifty eight minutes later.
Eat that saddam, and CNN
new blogger?

wtf. hopefully we can still post shit that makes people offended, that kicks ass, and is tastefull; like the schnozberrys on the wall.Now i have to click some agreement i havent read to post a picture.
Cumpilation of sounds
Here is a link that will welcome you into our world of audio antics. You can click the green tab to stream it. It's seven minutes long and if you want to know more about the compilation just drop us a line. The audio file is just a compilation of the stuff we talk about inbetween jams. Feel free to hate or love us more after you listen.
I'm not a homophobe i just hate things that are gay

It just doesn't make sense how much you can be into yourself(it makes sense if you are one of the moderaters at LCT). This guy looks like the spawn of George Harrison when he banged out Menudo at that Alice Cooper benefit concert for Mexicans who get dysentary from the cum filled water in Cancun. I don't know who this guy is but I can bet he has an exclusive contract with Univision to blow a donkey every Wednesday on Primer Impacto.

cherish the unwanted
All along the furry coastline is a razor blade momentous occasion that delicately slips its thin presence into an existent situation. A bifurcation of cleanliness and vitality. The division in all things that was created by a subsequent revelation. I managed to create the universe in a small little eggshell. They say don't anger the gods. Which means don't piss me off.

Blackmeat runs in the family
As much as El Ginko wishes he was inside of me on a daily basis I'm proud to say that I am not him and deserve to let him eat dishes and pour olive oil on a Sea Otter and burn it in front of me for continuous homage and praise for the rest of my days. He does have an affinity for Hitler and I would say my Face Down Ass Up intentions are always ever present. An omnipotent doggystyle only deity's and the like could understand. I love El Ginko because I used to watch him sleep on my couch while I played laughy noises on his Yamaha and sang about Mufasa and Janet Reno. Those were the good ol days.
You're right.
we're two different people, and im the prude. Gink is a huge whore though. he says fdau and i say hitler.
Quantum hangover.
i also got drunk last night, and yelled at my boss today. i woke up without a hangover at 5:30am to the ringing of my phone. it was my boss, he said he was worried about me. i told him i was goin into work on time and to quit calling me this early. thats when i noticed that Tv was into prime time. Fuck. it was 5:30 pm. i was 90 minutes late to work. i shit out a brutal poodle and had a caffeine nicotine slurry, did a line of pixie stick off of a goat and went to work.
the end.
the end.
Do people hate Ginkfist?
Why don't we have any comments? Do we not do enough celebrity gossip or show enough punani?
Ebay Gems
I've never bought anything on Ebay. I don't own a credit card or I would have bought a mummy or a replica of a William Wallace bastard sword and cut the mummy's head right off in front of David Blaine. Twice. I found some interesting Gems on Ebay. Have fun and if you buy any of these things I get to use them before you do because I was the one who showed them to you.
Star Wars sit down arcade game
Civil War reenactment earrings
Pro Magnum
Nintendo Power Glove
Jean-Claude Van Damme stamps
Jeffery Dahmer comics
Geons, Black holes and Quantum foam and shit
Glow Worm
Costume from The Patriot with studio blood
The Anti-Christ
Jesus in a Gas Mask anti littering poster
Carl Weathers autograph
Hub Cap
Mystery Box
Star Wars sit down arcade game
Civil War reenactment earrings
Pro Magnum
Nintendo Power Glove
Jean-Claude Van Damme stamps
Jeffery Dahmer comics
Geons, Black holes and Quantum foam and shit
Glow Worm
Costume from The Patriot with studio blood
The Anti-Christ
Jesus in a Gas Mask anti littering poster
Carl Weathers autograph
Hub Cap
Mystery Box
Allen Iverson gets traded.
Right now there is a TV on behind me and ESPN is doing some promo on a girl that plays a center in football. She's as big as the dude on Rob and Big. Some sort of high school hype shit. Recently I've been watching a lot of football and listening to the hypocrites on TV and radio blab their mouths like Jim Rome in that bath house i seen him at in San Fran getting gang raped by the 49ers but I didn't forget about keeping tabs on now my second favorite sport basketball. To be honest it's really become saturated and stale. No excitement whatsoever. Except for that game a few days back when the Suns scored 161 points. Steve Nash must've handed out his stash of speed and coke to get both teams wired up. I saw Antoine Walker running around naked posing as a mascot but I'm really here to talk about Allen Iverson getting traded to the Duke Nukems. He wasn't really content playing in Gnarls Barkley's shadow...wait let me take that back Matt Geiger's shadow in Philly so he wanted to get traded for 345 first round draft picks and a real record deal so he can play for the Bruce Cambell coached Duke Nukems. I think that giving him some sugar baby will boost Allen Iverson's stats through the roofie.
Big wheels in the sky keep on turning
I feel like Jeremy Shockey just gave me a rape shower. I drank a bottle of wine last night. Nice and cheap. I wasn't even that drunk untill we started to venture out in the pitch black because all the fucking power on our block is set onto a grid where a 1 year old monitors it on a daily basis. I'm sure that little fucker gets paid 56 bucks an hour to chew his teething toys and shit in his diaper. Come to think of it that sounds like Grampa too.
Dildo sale!

Most people don't understand the psychological differences between a retard and a Lyger. It's alright though I can tell you what it is. A retard is someone who in some ways has the potential to be an idiot-savant and a Lyger is mad because its a mistiso. And that is plain and simple. Very plain...very simple.
I really think that guy is Dracula.

I'm in love with that guys face. Look how emotional he is. His vest just screams out soul doesn't it. On to more personal matters I really really fucking hate guitar face. All guitarists have it. I have it. I don't know if I've talked about this ever. But I hate it more than I hate actor hands. Actor hands really suck too but guitar face is just down wrong. I never see bass face. It rhymes and it would probably be a lot more cool and kick. I admit though I have gotten guitar face. I just wouldn't want to look at me when I get or have gotten it. Examples of guitar face are below:

Some can call it the blues face but the blues is dead and no one makes any good Sunny Brownie Terry McGee anymore.
If you have ever wondered what those girls who wear white belts at the mall do in their spare time besides try and make pedo creeps get into there panties you should watch this video. You might need to vomit and that's not because there is intense gore or japanese defecation.
If you have ever wondered what those girls who wear white belts at the mall do in their spare time besides try and make pedo creeps get into there panties you should watch this video. You might need to vomit and that's not because there is intense gore or japanese defecation.
The nodes are codes to the abode adobe.
Some people aren't just crazy they are more human than human. Burn an x in your head beatric cockatrice. Tall white mansion and little shacks southern man when will you pay them back.

Some people just really need to be in the Asylum of Frozen Hell. Or move to the 40's and discover the macabre differences themselves. Are we just the selfish humans we've always been or are we more gluttonous and more hungry that preserving ourselves or our existence just makes us more famished? The dictionary states that deranged is to throw in disorder to disturb the condition or to just plain ol' be insane. That is what PT Cruiser bashing is all about. That's what sex is about too isn't it? It's probably just about having sex on top or with a blue horse. People aren't
in trouble
the just need a
blue horse.
Red hair and a Romeo wouldn't hurt either. The term of serial killer was first used to discribe Ted Bundy. He graduated from the University of Washington. Were it is widely accepted and known that they train serial killers on a daily basis. It is said that a serial killer is someone who has murdered three or more people. I've murdered my penis at least 6 times a day since 7th grade. White people make up 55% of the serial killing population according Drini and his friends at wikipedia. He's in the minority once again for being in the least percentile catagory. Previously I was talking about having sex with a blue horse but if I wanted to donkey punch it at the same time I would be called a Zoosadist. I just jammed last night and Ginkhole said he would rape seven dudes. Now that just plain rocks and you can't say anything about that. Could you imagine if one guy was raping seven dudes?
in trouble
the just need a

Red hair and a Romeo wouldn't hurt either. The term of serial killer was first used to discribe Ted Bundy. He graduated from the University of Washington. Were it is widely accepted and known that they train serial killers on a daily basis. It is said that a serial killer is someone who has murdered three or more people. I've murdered my penis at least 6 times a day since 7th grade. White people make up 55% of the serial killing population according Drini and his friends at wikipedia. He's in the minority once again for being in the least percentile catagory. Previously I was talking about having sex with a blue horse but if I wanted to donkey punch it at the same time I would be called a Zoosadist. I just jammed last night and Ginkhole said he would rape seven dudes. Now that just plain rocks and you can't say anything about that. Could you imagine if one guy was raping seven dudes?
What is going on here?

To me this looks like a school function. Like its some sort of academic decathalon or a spelling bee. But if you look closely it might be a young educated strippers bee. I want to know where this went down at. I want to talk to all the people pictured and ask why this was kosher and what were the events preceeding. Inquiring minds like to know. I wish wikipedia answered those questions.
Not suitable for minors
Ginkfist has been placed on not suitable for minors list on Gostats. Most minors nowadays hold guns sell drugs and fuck minor sluts. I think skateboarding or snowboarding or music should be banned as well. Why? Because if you are involved in those activities at a young age your bound to wind up like the kids in KIDS. First Playboy I saw was when I was 7 or 8. Look how I turned out.
Here comes Powder Claus!!

This be my friend. His name is Powder Claus. Powder Claus gets me druqks. Druqks are educational. Powder Claus and drugs are a lot more resourceful that LCT. I don't reckon that I'm liked in these parts but I still say I'd rather drink a mug rootbeer than have an elephant step on my toe.
Why are most crackheads portayed as black people? I've seen plenty of white crackheads. It's like trying to spot sasquatch or something. I propose we start a whole 'notha website that is just dedicated to white folk ruining their teeth. Ridicule whitey so blackey can feel justified. I'm pretty sure that the dude hittin' the crack pipe with cardboard doesn't use the internet. Yet I'm pretty sure this muther fucka is on MYspace. Shouldn't it be Ourspace by now? Pretty soon it will just assimilate outerspace and all the elements of creation will run in a binary code of emo if it already doesn't. See: "things that suck are most inevitable."
In some ways Ginkfist has become a little stagnant. Maybe because my door was locked for 3 days and I had to get a locksmith to come in here and charge me 60 bucks to jimmy the door. I guess if all else fails talk about Drini and crack cocaine and it will keep the people laughing. But what I'm about to do will offend you all and make your childrens children contimplate abortions for the rest of their years.
Why are most crackheads portayed as black people? I've seen plenty of white crackheads. It's like trying to spot sasquatch or something. I propose we start a whole 'notha website that is just dedicated to white folk ruining their teeth. Ridicule whitey so blackey can feel justified. I'm pretty sure that the dude hittin' the crack pipe with cardboard doesn't use the internet. Yet I'm pretty sure this muther fucka is on MYspace. Shouldn't it be Ourspace by now? Pretty soon it will just assimilate outerspace and all the elements of creation will run in a binary code of emo if it already doesn't. See: "things that suck are most inevitable."
In some ways Ginkfist has become a little stagnant. Maybe because my door was locked for 3 days and I had to get a locksmith to come in here and charge me 60 bucks to jimmy the door. I guess if all else fails talk about Drini and crack cocaine and it will keep the people laughing. But what I'm about to do will offend you all and make your childrens children contimplate abortions for the rest of their years.
is a good song. but i dont think its the russian song i am looking for. but the chorus kind of does follow the same tune. help me drini you söv.
Sausage Links
Upset stomachs.
Tito says brother to make comeback but brother says Toto is going to make a comeback. I always knew love wasn't always on time.
PC game takes it to the man. The man being Satan.
Don't say I told you shit you already didn't know because I did.
Funny or Racist or both? Probably both.
Some old ass shit.
Was it god? You think he could throw a rock interstellar distances?
I still think it looks like a chest vomiting.
People are strange when you're a stranger.
Computer pron has been around since a 100 years before Christ. L. Ron has proof.
got 10 million duckets cause I got this Giant Panda hide fron Ted Nugent I'm trying to sell.
Porn Pron Nrop Drini. More news on porn.
Retarded Animal Babies.
Tito says brother to make comeback but brother says Toto is going to make a comeback. I always knew love wasn't always on time.
PC game takes it to the man. The man being Satan.
Don't say I told you shit you already didn't know because I did.
Funny or Racist or both? Probably both.
Some old ass shit.
Was it god? You think he could throw a rock interstellar distances?
I still think it looks like a chest vomiting.
People are strange when you're a stranger.
Computer pron has been around since a 100 years before Christ. L. Ron has proof.
got 10 million duckets cause I got this Giant Panda hide fron Ted Nugent I'm trying to sell.
Porn Pron Nrop Drini. More news on porn.
Retarded Animal Babies.
While you are doing her ill be doing you
All I know is...is I don't want to end up as one of the hosts of a funny animals TV show that has crowd applause fill inbetween witty unfunny jokes.
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