I didn't know anyone read ginkfist. i thought it was like a journal. like private. the reason i havent wrote in my journal the last few days is because i've been studying the mega tit yeti. I'm thinking its related to the Gross boob face, and yokozuna somehow. but one can never be certain. I thought gink had died. turns out he didn't, and that paint chips are edible, they just soopasize yo shit, yo. that yeti that the megatit is holding looks kinda like a cross between alf and a real life mr hanky. and by mr hanky, i mean a shit you took after xmas ham. jew's,muslims, and dwarfs need not apply. I finally have access to PhotoShop CS. so now maybe i'll get up outta this mspaint sweatshop, and up into the big leagues.

You are gay. at least the good lot of you are. some of you are probably sluts too. thats okay as well. i bet that austrailia would be a slut around us and some champagne. and by champagne i mean high life. champagnes cool, it doesnt get chicks drunk enough though, or at least drunk enough to do me. i end up with Monarch Vodka chicks. and thats only after theyve puked on the bar and removed their shirt to wipe it clean. at least it aint gay. I bet if we invited Ginkhole back, he could take one for the team and do a dude and end up on drinipedia for it. Perez hiltons on drinipedia. thats bullshit. we're popular too damnit. cept our crowd isn't the get drunk and end up in the tabloids crowd. our crowd is the get too drunk to go home so theyre on your couch sleeping while i grab their boob crowd. I might live on a boat this summer, and just cut anchor one night with a shit ton of cup o noodles. the inventor of it lived to be 96-ish, you can never tell with old chinese people. theyre all named methusula. i need to get a brian peppers jolly roger though.
who farted? i bet mile's did. fuck.
oh, and thanks for the comments you wahoo's. good to know we're not the only ones still gettin good coke round these parts.
1 comment:
So glad your back. What were the reasons you were away??????????? I could not quite grasp. Not blogging on your holidays??????????? Got a new photo shop wow and I thought you were already good. My great old aunt in Alasksa put me onto you, my whole family likes you. You are real family values time. We spend our evenings huddled round the computer ginking off with one an other. We find quality in your every ginkpost. So keep it up, the duration of your talk astounds. Approx one year on and still firing loads of fun gunk, ginko.
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