If there are two things that I know they are as follows: Adriana Lima is a man with a camel toe so fierce that it makes Muslims wish they could trade all their virgins in for lollipops and that if you ever get caught with your pants down always blame the Macarena.

Amputee football!!!
Unofficial Rush Limbaugh page!!!
This beard is where lice originated from.
looks like this dude Alfred Nakamura. He's a pedo. Or at least I was told. I actually have a picture of an Alaskan Pedophile.
Here he is in all his glory. I think he molested a triscuit or something along those lines. Not kosher in the state of Alaska.
I don't have Internet anymore so I can't photoshop anything bad ass. Soon though I will be moving into a hood house all by my lonesome in the city where I will do nothing but post 100 times in one day. I dedicate 24 hours to eating mass quantities of Doritos and wearing an adult diaper like that astronaut lady to ginkfist and all its glory. Especially since we have over 10000 cheese dicks looking at the site everyday they need some of that good ol' fashion gink lovin'. I can't even post nudie pics on this computer. I can try but hopefully my friends girlfriend doesn't walk in and catch me fapping to a Gatorade bottle with a picture of Christina Aguilera taped to the bottle. She's not even that hot. But at least she isn't a dude.......Adriana Lima.
You know who likes eating Coney Island cock?

Unofficial Rush Limbaugh page!!!

looks like this dude Alfred Nakamura. He's a pedo. Or at least I was told. I actually have a picture of an Alaskan Pedophile.

I don't have Internet anymore so I can't photoshop anything bad ass. Soon though I will be moving into a hood house all by my lonesome in the city where I will do nothing but post 100 times in one day. I dedicate 24 hours to eating mass quantities of Doritos and wearing an adult diaper like that astronaut lady to ginkfist and all its glory. Especially since we have over 10000 cheese dicks looking at the site everyday they need some of that good ol' fashion gink lovin'. I can't even post nudie pics on this computer. I can try but hopefully my friends girlfriend doesn't walk in and catch me fapping to a Gatorade bottle with a picture of Christina Aguilera taped to the bottle. She's not even that hot. But at least she isn't a dude.......Adriana Lima.
You know who likes eating Coney Island cock?

Of course it's this guy!
This is the Shit eating grinner of the day!!!
He drinks Miller and beats neighbors kids like its nobodies biznass.

He drinks Miller and beats neighbors kids like its nobodies biznass.
If the whole world was an apple and you were the worm would you eat your way out until you could reach space? And once you reached space and figured out that you could eat space would you eat space and shit out stars and planets or would you defecate little doo-doo asteroids that caused such impact craters as democracy in insect colonies? I would bet in this hypothetical situation you would underestimate your ability and transgress nothing but the idea that you need to use cosmic toilet paper after you get done consuming M83 and a few other NGC's. What I just said reminds me of a joke someone once told me. It goes like this,"How many Filipino's does it take to screw in a light bulb? Who the fuck cares." Much to my chagrin that joke makes me laugh every single time.
I have a lot of time nowadays to make antique furniture with toothpicks I made out of a California Redwood. Sometimes I mold them into chandeliers that look like fingers picking out dwarven outfits for 4 year olds that have to act in Lord of the Rings plays for their preschool. That's how I talk when I'm sober. When I'm drunk I make more sense like Galileo's principle theory of relativity says that all uniform motion is relative. Who would want to hear that kind of shit when you are taking copious amounts of heroin and sniffing Krazy glue and drinking a beer bong out of an elephants trunk that you got stuffed for your Aunt Gertrude and told her that Crispin Glover donated it to a cystic fibrosis foundation and you thought that was such a humanitarian gesture you had to have it. Eating china's supply of raccoons will prevent a third world war and 12 hockey games played by the NHL in Lithuania in the year 2012.
I have a lot of time nowadays to make antique furniture with toothpicks I made out of a California Redwood. Sometimes I mold them into chandeliers that look like fingers picking out dwarven outfits for 4 year olds that have to act in Lord of the Rings plays for their preschool. That's how I talk when I'm sober. When I'm drunk I make more sense like Galileo's principle theory of relativity says that all uniform motion is relative. Who would want to hear that kind of shit when you are taking copious amounts of heroin and sniffing Krazy glue and drinking a beer bong out of an elephants trunk that you got stuffed for your Aunt Gertrude and told her that Crispin Glover donated it to a cystic fibrosis foundation and you thought that was such a humanitarian gesture you had to have it. Eating china's supply of raccoons will prevent a third world war and 12 hockey games played by the NHL in Lithuania in the year 2012.
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