More on XVI
He is a staunch adovocate of the steadfast Catholic Principles, and was chosen to papalcy on my birthday April 19th, and he knows fluently 9 languages, but can only Speak 7 of them out loud. because the other two are Ancient Greek and Hebrew.
Eddie Griffin masturbates while driving a car and being drunk and gets in a car wreck. Sounds like a normal night to me.
This is the face of a many who drives an SUV. This is the face of a man who makes a lot of money doing what most of us think is a negro sport. Predjudice runs in all of us. Its common that someone doesn't like something simply because they just don't like it. A mystical force in man that makes us hate what others accomplish, what they are, where they are from. I'm mad at this guy not because he is black. God no...that would be my roomate if he was writing this post. I'm not mad at this guy because he likes to play basketball and might be pretty good at it. I haven't watched the T'Wolves in a couple of years since the Wizards got good. I'm mad at this guy because he has the oppurtunity to go Car Jacking. And by car jacking I mean getting hamboned, putting your keys in the ingnition, driving hamboned and fapping to hardcore porn in the drivers seat. Who has the "balls" to do that? EDDIE MUTHAFUCKIN GRIFFIN!!!(not the comedian.) It happened on March 30th but it is still fresh news to me. This guy is one of my new heros. The cops didn't want to book him for some reason. I'd bet it was because they didn't want to touch his hands. It must've sucked because he was probably at the good part when he wrecked his car. He also claimed that he wrecked while talking on the cellphone. Jesus man what else could you be doing at the same time giving a circumsicion(sp?) with your teeth, inflating a raft and wrapping presents ? Props to this guy. He gets my MVP. Most Valuable Penis. Mine has gotten that 23 years in a row. But this guy certainly "beat" me.
Al-Heyzeus and the Terror Two
The real Jesus has spoken. He was locked up in juvy for 30 years. He posed his foreskined clone(raelians) on myspace to lure young Haida into introducing Muslim terrorist idealism into their brains. He released a photo he put in his asshole and forgot about it to the local authorities and we are for sure that Jesus himself has Arab connections to Ale-Kay-Duh.
It also represents the first leaders to spread the Muslim word the now dematerialized Zarqawi and the diabetic Ohshnapa Bin-Ladinyourmomma. He said his only outside contact was a man named Inird. He is a mathematician and most likely in America feeding internet users falsified intel. Jack Bauer was notified and Burglkutt already has an image that I can satellite feed into my PSP or Ipod. I have the image and it is quite disturbing on who this Inird person is. He has no ties with Habib Marwan so we really don't know how dangerous he really is. The two images are: Al-Haida at it's finest gearing up for an attack in light of the recent Jesus clone becoming a member of the Ginkfist fan club.
This is Inird. The great Al-Haida math-man.
This is Inird. The great Al-Haida math-man.
Supermans Bulge VS. Neos Bulge
No one loves a nerd. Except for a nerd. A nerd loves a nerd but no one loves nerds. Except they always ask nerds to make super atomic hardware to bomb other slanty eyed nerds to over compinsate for the small nerdity found on their home continent. Or they nerd out and nerd their life away playing online nerd games like World of NerdCraft, Evernerd, or CS the nerd expansion set with first person sex mods and tons of other fun filled pixel porn to get your dixel in a polygonal plastic pussy pounding prayer mode. My nerdity extends to the reach of what ifs and a class I took in third grade on quantum field theory and nanotechnology. What if Neo faught Superman in the matrix? I wont go through all the logistics but I'm sure you can come up with millions of ideas. I'm still trying to get over the fact that Superman beat the Hulk...sucks ass. I guess if Superman can lift up a mountain and throw it into space he might have some street cred.
Jesus forms coalition with Tlingit Indians.
This guy is Jesus. Not really, but he is in
Probably for Shooting illegal weapons:
and Also How to get drunk and get it with his dogs and show some tlingit pride:
Not all people are crazy...just you.
Everyday a radical idealist is born. A putrid carcass from an animal is becoming food for the insects and the hungry alike. Everyday a bomb will go off ending a life. Someone will be making an amatuer sextape and they will get pregnant from it. Yes the tape will fuck them getting them preggers. I have no Xenu philosophy let alone a foundation where you can send me money to learn what you believe in. But what you believe in half-the time is bullshit because you feel it and thats why you believe it. The belief of reality to me is sometimes an awkward conjuction between the surface of your ability to understand the current time and place and the subjection of witnessing the time and the place. That's one primary reason I think people will actually eat a queer fetus for Jesus. A dualistic finite instance of existential cooperation between you and the universe. The sound mind of oppurtune polyphonic being acted upon by an outside/inside force creating the illusiory substance that is tangible and easy to recognize to recognition. You become immortal in the moment where that feeling is emerging from the bowels of inner thought. And that is why belief is bullshit. It has to be broken down into little synapses and an atomic nano explaination of something that in all actuality is mundane. Fuck...it still has to be talked about though. Like the fact that everyone who is in college needs to talk about socio-polital views and the government. The great movement we are going to formulate to change what congress and the rest of the world thinks of us. It all comes down to movement. Movement of the mind. The altered states. Movements of it all. You take one down pass it around and everyone has the idea suddenly. Eat the queer fetus. Put a little gink sauce on it. It doesn't really matter though because everyone is crazy. Fanatical. Indestructable and everyones governing parties are WRONG. Right? I'm sure that is the liberal concensus. It's big brother. It's just like Satan. Being created so man could fear death believe in God and welcome the life of humanity with harmony. Yet knowing the fact that evil does exists we lead ourselves into tempt and what is temptuous(is that a word?). Actually that didn't make a point at all. My mind runs on like that a lot. I can't stay focused for too long. I usually horn in the orcs and we play a game of D&D over a fuck session and a sybian contest to see who can hold it in their mouth the longest. Everyone is crazy though. Even if they don't realize it. I see crazy people all the time. Totally insane. They are usually drunk and no that is not what makes them crazy either. Just look into their eyes. Look into peoples eyes for a long time. Then notice how crazy they are. How insane someone could potentially be without just saying to yourself, "Yeah I've seen the news, some fucked up shit some crazy people killing their neighbor then going to Jack n' the Box to get a burger and a soda." That stuff isn't real to you. It shouldn't be unless its actually happening to you. That's one crazy thing it's that everything matters so much that we all have to be involved in it indirectly and directly. If we didn't we would have anything to say or worry about.
All of that is a combination of the lunacy and the frightening fact that we live in such over-bearing fantasy worlds that they actually manifest themselves into the public eye and the sanctuary of the human mind. I trust that these four women will meet me in a room and fuck my brains out till my dick falls off because I'm a fucking really man. I take my time and profess on how man I am by getting into a fight every weekend because I'm flawless and people love the fact I'm perfect. That's why I know I will bag all four of those girls. that and a lot of blow. Then the mind gets a cancerous idea and eats away at the truth. One woman is probably married to a wealthy 45 year old patent millionare who eats jello when he wants and off of her exposed brain after laser eyesite became a sprite and caffeine rounds the porch with anchors and kittie kats. Blowbork morshak dombiak mofac. Get it? It doesn't matter your crazy. Your going to stay crazy. And their is nothing to your crazy its just plain crazy crazy craaz.
All of that is a combination of the lunacy and the frightening fact that we live in such over-bearing fantasy worlds that they actually manifest themselves into the public eye and the sanctuary of the human mind. I trust that these four women will meet me in a room and fuck my brains out till my dick falls off because I'm a fucking really man. I take my time and profess on how man I am by getting into a fight every weekend because I'm flawless and people love the fact I'm perfect. That's why I know I will bag all four of those girls. that and a lot of blow. Then the mind gets a cancerous idea and eats away at the truth. One woman is probably married to a wealthy 45 year old patent millionare who eats jello when he wants and off of her exposed brain after laser eyesite became a sprite and caffeine rounds the porch with anchors and kittie kats. Blowbork morshak dombiak mofac. Get it? It doesn't matter your crazy. Your going to stay crazy. And their is nothing to your crazy its just plain crazy crazy craaz.
Chubby Checker Double Decker WGN Rerun of Becker
I don't care if you are born into the Gracie Clan. You cannot fuck with this guy.
I'm hoping to start an internet revolution where there are sites
dedicated to random Michael Ironside facts like. Ironside once ate 6 saltines in a minute
drank a gallon of milk and told chuck norris, dennis quaid, vin deisel, and jack bauer
to get real jobs and that if Brandon Lee was still alive he would
shoot him on purpose.
I'm hoping to start an internet revolution where there are sites
dedicated to random Michael Ironside facts like. Ironside once ate 6 saltines in a minute
drank a gallon of milk and told chuck norris, dennis quaid, vin deisel, and jack bauer
to get real jobs and that if Brandon Lee was still alive he would
shoot him on purpose.
The Order of the Serpentine
Apparently The Order of the Serpentine is a club or cult that helps you get over the fact that you slept with a monstrocity. I guess they concocted such an idea from the fact that if you wear any Axe body spray you are bound to attract a few wild boars. In the recent age of advertisement we are no strangers to the salutes of sexploitation. Now that Online Gambling is being praised for its marketablity to get more people to spend more time on their ass at home instead of spending more time in Sodom wasting away their money at a real poker table getting some sort of social dignity in their lives instead of being a 34 year old homo yeah thats right a fucking homo gambling his mommy's credit card debt into oblivion. Now you can be a 34 year old homo who joins an online club of the asp and decide its alright that I got fucked by that blonde girl from the bar or the middleschool dance. She doesn't have what I don't want. And every man everywhere wants the herp. But I guess if ytou just got done fucking the earhold of someone you might want the common decency to get a back rub from someone. I wouldn't have even trimmed my pubes for a picture like that. This is the sales pitch people. Make as much money as you can. Forget that your life may be the only one in the universe and just go out and waste it away. Make for good blog material and just move onto the next day like it never happened. I wonder if he ever got that thing out of there. Well...if you see that guy walking down the street tell him that I am proud that I am not him. Better yet get a little nibble of that dibble then you can say you tasted something you never thought anyone would tell you to taste without wanting to taste what you could taste on your own tasteful accord.Yet I'm still baffled that people still fuck mufflers when their body spray wears off.
It's true that men will do anything. You can find a man who will
wear anything and fuck a little muffler hole. I think that
was in my backyard. Anyway I'll probably look like that in about
1 year so I might as well muster up the gusto and busto a nutto in a
mufflo and blo all yo into oblivio.
And trust me the walk of shame does not end here.
It's true that men will do anything. You can find a man who will
wear anything and fuck a little muffler hole. I think that
was in my backyard. Anyway I'll probably look like that in about
1 year so I might as well muster up the gusto and busto a nutto in a
mufflo and blo all yo into oblivio.
And trust me the walk of shame does not end here.
how to do laundry at twenty to four
Sorry we havent posted lately. we were taking a break that consisted of twinkies menthol cigarettes and vaporizer hits. while we were gone Ginkfist ran into some sick fucks though. We can see how people find us on search engines, and we've gotten some humdingers of folks who are too fucked in the head to stumble across ginkfist, but they do it anyway. Today a man in uraguay (or maybe it was a chick, whatev) looked up The ballard Atrocity (which itself kicks almost as much ass as ginkfist, but a lot more ass than pink is the new blog) and we had some grandpa (or 14 year old girl, whatev) look up Superman Returns Bulge pics.Click here to see Exactly what people search when they find ginkfist my personal favorite is pitty sweet fish under the sea, just because i dont know what the fuck that means to whomever typed it, and how they correlated it to the fisting of gink. we also got this one wahoo who was lookin up Snorting DXMHBr (which isn't a safe or smart idea, probably why he came here anyway) well thats my post for the next 6 months. im gunna finish it up with some words that people should find us on google with: Paris Hilton Aaron Spelling Iraq war President Bush Vietnam Q-tips P-dubs Don Cheadle Lindsay Lohan Alan Martin free porn click here to see a video of a llama playing chinese checkers with a canister of ez-cheez.
The Return Of Aunt Gertrude
We jammed the epic today. Old goat would grow flowers and shed man tears over it (You know this.) it sounded like the old church burning down, except backwards. as if everyone knew the end result when they got there, but still said what the fuck when they were done. I named it hairylegs.mp3 but when i went back and fixed the Eq and some other shit on it, there was already a hairylegs.mp3 so it was dubbed Auntgertrude.mp3
Turns out that this old bitch is none other than the hardy boys' aunt. i suppose you think her name was gertrude as well. Well it is, you know it all ginkfist readin fucks. fuck a blender and die, youll never get our aunt gertrude, unless my last names hardy, or somethin
"Now what the fuck is this?!"
A question you might ask yourself. This is Roger. My very first goblin born. How did I do it? I ain't going to tell you. This is my weapon against Swedish rebels that have been fucking us up in Kansas. The only thing I will tell you is that I spawned him using ancient ritualistic magic, and seeds I found on ebay. The rest of the incantation research and caretaking is your responsibility if you want to pirate my idea. I'm going to train Roger in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and Krav Maga. He will be a fighting machine. Bred on Megaman games and raw beef. He will throw spears as far as 50 elephants in a life and be able to take bites out of blue whales. His claws will rival Wolverines and make no mistake he will be president of Jet magazine. I have no intention on killing innocents but he will have every intention on killing innocents. I love Roger. If you happen to find out his wrinkley weakness I will send many a locusts to Puerto Rico where you like to vacation. I unleash Camel Toads on Egypt and build an obscure road in the SouthEast of Alaska. This is something you must not fuck with. Peace out I'm pending for a shit.
A question you might ask yourself. This is Roger. My very first goblin born. How did I do it? I ain't going to tell you. This is my weapon against Swedish rebels that have been fucking us up in Kansas. The only thing I will tell you is that I spawned him using ancient ritualistic magic, and seeds I found on ebay. The rest of the incantation research and caretaking is your responsibility if you want to pirate my idea. I'm going to train Roger in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and Krav Maga. He will be a fighting machine. Bred on Megaman games and raw beef. He will throw spears as far as 50 elephants in a life and be able to take bites out of blue whales. His claws will rival Wolverines and make no mistake he will be president of Jet magazine. I have no intention on killing innocents but he will have every intention on killing innocents. I love Roger. If you happen to find out his wrinkley weakness I will send many a locusts to Puerto Rico where you like to vacation. I unleash Camel Toads on Egypt and build an obscure road in the SouthEast of Alaska. This is something you must not fuck with. Peace out I'm pending for a shit.
My Favorite 80's videos
Trio-Da Da Da
Eddie Murphy-Party all the time
ManoWar-Blow your speakers
Daisy Rock Girl Guitars
Let us get straight to business. I know all the hottest brazillian and italian women read this site with a fervent passion. But I have to say something about the girls out there. This is just not going to fly.
Y'know why?
Because if you want to rock.
And by rock I mean shred the shit out of
a six string musical harp that
will tear the testicals of any woman
you better rock in style.
And by style I don't mean these
12 year old
just started geting my period guitars.
Which are now the vain of
my existence.
I do like the word otiose though.
If you catch Jack White playing one of these
which I'm sure you will,
send him a postcard that says
sissy bitch lick Noah's taint.
Because if you want to rock.
And by rock I mean shred the shit out of
a six string musical harp that
will tear the testicals of any woman
you better rock in style.
And by style I don't mean these
12 year old
just started geting my period guitars.
Which are now the vain of
my existence.
I do like the word otiose though.
If you catch Jack White playing one of these
which I'm sure you will,
send him a postcard that says
sissy bitch lick Noah's taint.
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