
Supermans Bulge VS. Neos Bulge

No one loves a nerd. Except for a nerd. A nerd loves a nerd but no one loves nerds. Except they always ask nerds to make super atomic hardware to bomb other slanty eyed nerds to over compinsate for the small nerdity found on their home continent. Or they nerd out and nerd their life away playing online nerd games like World of NerdCraft, Evernerd, or CS the nerd expansion set with first person sex mods and tons of other fun filled pixel porn to get your dixel in a polygonal plastic pussy pounding prayer mode. My nerdity extends to the reach of what ifs and a class I took in third grade on quantum field theory and nanotechnology. What if Neo faught Superman in the matrix? I wont go through all the logistics but I'm sure you can come up with millions of ideas. I'm still trying to get over the fact that Superman beat the Hulk...sucks ass. I guess if Superman can lift up a mountain and throw it into space he might have some street cred.


Anonymous said...

I always rooted for Superman against Hulk, and if proof is really out there I'd like to see it. And rub it in those Crowleys face, and pee all over their Hulk pride. Neo would beat superman though, in the matrix. UAF BEERPONG RULES!!

ĘL Giñkō² said...

I just noticed that Richard Reid, Al-zarqaroi, and bin laden are in there. go me.

Big ups for Downs syndrome.