
Official Biography of William H. Taft

William Huge Taft, better known as america's morbidly obese president and supreme court judge kicked a lot off ass. he didnt really do anything too kick ass while he was president though, didnt bomb one foreigner, didnt get any action in the oval office, no drugs, booze, or hookers. but he did do something that changed the way every president after him lived in the white house: Get stuck in a bath tub. yea, im serious. the dude was fuckin huge. if your too fat to take a shower because the water doesnt hit all your hiding spots, at least resort to floating your fat ass in a tub that your fatass can float in. dont get stuck in that shit. come on taft. if he wasnt the "I didnt really do anything for four years so im remembered for being the world biggest bucket of taft-stew, and kinda remembered for being buried in a coffin as big as a piano box." he would be the "I didn't do anything for four years, matter of fact i did so little even i forgot i was pres" kind of guy. now his progeny of politico tafts from the future are following his fatass into obscurity: i think his grandson william not so huge taft III is governor of ohio.

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