I saw the light through the venetian blinds as the car made a right and hit a sinister young oldie.
Wilcox makes a mean orange juice. For some reason it makes me think that Genghis Kahn and I are going to take over a hopeless trife Mongol Village and set up mini HoneyTone amps everywhere and play FreeBird 197 times to gain the rights to the song. Interesting stuff that orange juice. I methodically pick out each peice of pulp and put it into a potato cannon and set up a 14' x 9' canvas and shoot it into the center. It looks like mathematical mumbo jumbo and tends to tesselate around the edges. I know the universe is at the end where its stapled to the wood but I wouldn't care to sell the art because I know some collassal eyeliner whore would run up to it and draw squiggley lipstick marks and fart near a latte and make it more presentable to Hipsters and Emo emphatic truck stop whores that live off of old Impressionistic paintings for blankets. Today I had the nostalgic kick going. Looking at the old painting of Phillies with the guy's in smooth hats made me feel like I'm missing something. Then the mutha fuckin' Antique Roads Show came on and I saw Orange Crate art from the 20's that was worth more than my 2 months pay. Why do you have to be rich? You don't really. All the luxury is in your rosey hands. God tells you not to masturbate because he doesn't want you to do what he does when you aren't looking through the peepholes. That makes more sense than a Muslim going into a Jewish facility and trying to gun everyone down.
Leave it up to stupid Muslims to give Muslims a bad name. I like radicalists though they give everyone something else to talk about while I'm still talking about coke whores and that magical world they live in when they make little lint anthills on the carpet after being strung out for 8 hours after the 48 hours they were getting fucked in the ass by a donkey.
Leave it up to stupid Muslims to give Muslims a bad name. I like radicalists though they give everyone something else to talk about while I'm still talking about coke whores and that magical world they live in when they make little lint anthills on the carpet after being strung out for 8 hours after the 48 hours they were getting fucked in the ass by a donkey.
It comes as no surprise that we aren't really getting anywhere.
I may be a boy. I may be a Captain of the Starship-fuck-me-prize. I might stick crazy amphibians inside mufflers for trainsportation into the nether realms where hobbits poke and prod at me with KFC chicken wings and Devo necklaces still left on the shelf from the last days of the Cold War. Do men still bash Janes over the head? I thought they just bought fancy cars and fucked cockroaches and slid their dicks into concrete vector holes that made a ruff scraping noise like chalkboards + nails. I might be somewhere between old and new fashion. I didn't mean to shove anything in anyones face but you gotta admit...a comment box is no place to pick prime rib or caviar or Borneo bugs...if that's anyones dellicatessen. Shy? I'm looking for bitches who only want FDAU.
Free Mumia.
This guy shot a cop, rocks dreads, and says fuck the police. and some law officials think he should spend his life behind bars over it. we join in with Mumia and say fuck the police. but since we're a bunch of white middle class 12 year olds, we shouldnt get locked up over it.
Sue me bitch.

So we've all heard of Child pornography, right? and its one of the worst crimes commitable in my opinion, as well as being one of the most fucked up things out there, right? So lets look at this logic,
Children in porno= Illegal, Disgraceful, Distasteful, Only suitable for demented pedophiles.
So..... Thanks to 9th grade Math, which i took in 12th grade, we get the following through the something or other Property.
Porno in children= Legal?(actually the legality is still doubtful), Graceful, Tasteful, only suitable for old people, children, puppy dogs, sunshine and lollipops.
So, keep your kids out of Porn, and do something good for them and the rest of us, buy em a bunch of hustlers when their hungover and starved, flying back from Las Vegas
Whats 24 rolls of toilet paper doin in the laundry hamper?
I have no idea. I'm sunburned. farmer style. I survived off of meat by products and fermented beverages this whole weekend. I can't believe its monday. if i wasnt retired id be at work. I know these two guys who fell out the cooter, soaked in booze. theyre fisherman and ones from bulgaria.
Ginkfist is not for lovers...but I do own a 1957 Selleck. Although it wasn't as good as my 69 Selleck.
Ginkfist is not for lovers. It isn't a psychotic place where empathy exists. It is an apathetic well of self loathing and desire for the dead to raise like in the Thriller video. Ginkfist is a creation...it dwells within a creation. Its a paradoxical satirical literal visceral titteral glitteral shitteral in the nu-space. The nu-space being the "internet" "interweb" "pornhaus". I'm not going to spend a couple of months paycheck to go to Austrailia to meet someone. I am flattered that you would find me sexable and a muse for conversational wonders in a cyber cafe but I don't swing in that tree. Comments are as far as I go. And really half the time I have no idea what you are talking about. It's like you met someone at a pub talked to them and told you all these great things about how he was related to Geronimo and Ichabad Craindo and you bought the line that he was a Sailboat captain he baught you an Irish Carbomb you guys drank tuh-kill-ya and gave you his website. That website was mine and he told you he was gink because he really isn't the Peter Parker you think he is and I am really that guy. I'm sorry...I've got my own orangutang. If I need another...it probably wont be someone who is trying to get a hold of me on my stream of conscious porn ridden funny la la site that gives people fap material and thoughts of betraying their country and flying into the anus of a cockroach built to fornicate with other planets.
I wasn't born in 1957. Try 26 years later. I skipped Veitnam and Kennedy because my fetus wasn't ready to be unleashed into the perfect societies yet i was awaiting the perfunctory societies that do menial tasks and listen to what everyone says because MTV is better than God. I'm at not qualms with God you see. He kicks ass. He has pimped rides. He has the most tricked out ride of em all. The vessel into the unknown vacuum that consumes every living human thought intension desire. He has resurrection of hope and spirit but so does alchohol at the right moments and LSD if you care to dabble into that. I found God he was a canary trying to take an elephant shit and ask me if I could believe that he could do it. I told him that he might need a hand in his workings. So I birthed Ginkfist and revelations was written with an exclamation mark.
I don't play games unless it happens to be hopscotch or duck duck goose on hallucinogens which I did one time in the summer it was wierd. I ran around in a circle like a minion intill my girlfriend got started getting sick or something I don't remember what happened. Although I do remember looking up at a 9 story building and watching all the TV's flicker in the night. It was like looking at a brain wave telescope that had the strobe lights one. Edward Nigma status.
I wasn't born in 1957. Try 26 years later. I skipped Veitnam and Kennedy because my fetus wasn't ready to be unleashed into the perfect societies yet i was awaiting the perfunctory societies that do menial tasks and listen to what everyone says because MTV is better than God. I'm at not qualms with God you see. He kicks ass. He has pimped rides. He has the most tricked out ride of em all. The vessel into the unknown vacuum that consumes every living human thought intension desire. He has resurrection of hope and spirit but so does alchohol at the right moments and LSD if you care to dabble into that. I found God he was a canary trying to take an elephant shit and ask me if I could believe that he could do it. I told him that he might need a hand in his workings. So I birthed Ginkfist and revelations was written with an exclamation mark.
I don't play games unless it happens to be hopscotch or duck duck goose on hallucinogens which I did one time in the summer it was wierd. I ran around in a circle like a minion intill my girlfriend got started getting sick or something I don't remember what happened. Although I do remember looking up at a 9 story building and watching all the TV's flicker in the night. It was like looking at a brain wave telescope that had the strobe lights one. Edward Nigma status.
Pushin yea into the ocean because all my friends think i shouldnt smoke pine cones and snort slug slime off of the concrete
I don't know who PM is. Could be a cool person even though half of the time I am reading his/her comments I am confused. He/She talks like they know me from the past...might be an internet manifestation bot that was Ulysses Grant in the past. Lord only knows. Keep the comments rolling though. I wouldn't have a chance to meet them anyways I'm in a whole other realm. Like where you find Raiden and Noob Saibot hitting rocks with giant leper fingers and every time a bone cracks or a bunch of skin slides off you have to hit the other one with paintballs shaped as the virgin mary's clitoris. Yeah that is where I live. Me and Neo make glory holes in homeless shelters and line the circles with coldsore medication so everything starts burning when the fun starts happening.
Do people wear these? What does the L stand for?
My penis would rip through this.
Now I know some people wear these you can see someone wearing it. I think I saw dracula at a frat party wearing this once and they were filming "EAT OUT YOUR NEIGHBOR" some new campus porn thing. Worked out pretty good for ol Draco.

My penis would rip through this.

It's not because I'm totally fucked up right now...if I mispell anything I'll eat your stillborn for atkins.
A train is moving so fast I can hear every individual fart.
I keep hearing these random conversation in the elevator. This is actually a true story, I heard a guy ask another if the fish heads were good and how you cook them. Of course the fish heads are good you fucking retard why would the guy be eating fried gink if he was totally worrying about how they taste. People can be so oppurtunistic at times. They have the oppurtunity to be complacent about their situation and they biff right into the sidewalk. The kind of biff where you are looking out your window at a diamond store and you see and old lady cross the street and she is begging for a curb stomp with the way her jowls sway in the wind. When I write those sentences don't think that I'm not thinking about when I'm old and I start to fuck couches with home made pussies inbetween the cushions. People really are fucked up. Guy came into the bar with gray hair. Got carded didn't have his ID. Too bad for that oldy he isn't a regular. His excuse was I've been cumming here for a week. I've been cumming in this town since I was 8 too fucking bad. Playboy isn't sold in the airport because it is liberal propaganda. The bell rang also...I cheered for Hezbollah and a couple people laughed. Fuck Isreal. Fuck UN. Fuck America. You know why? Because I'm happy I don't have Scuds raining on my house or molotovs thrown through my windows that's why. The whole reason I'm unpatriotic is because I don't have some mutherfucker knocking at my door ready to kill my lifeforce. Yeah that's what I said. I hate this country because I'm not ready to die for it. That bitch drowned her five kids...she should be drowned in a vat of clorox and be fucked to death by that hobo that keeps asking you if she has bagels...but no this is a perfect society let her rot in a mental hospital appointed by our tax money. Good point Howard Zinn let the Native Americans starve for land so my white skin can keep making condos so other white people can have cowboy sex in their living room and not have to be worried if some crack monger is watching. You know he's sticking his finger up his asshole in pleasure. And that pleasure comes from Allah himself. I wrote the Koraan...on a bathroom stall in Queens even though I have never been there. I fucked so many corpses Jeffrey Dahmer would give me a golf clap for my achievements. Pour some hot tar on my toes and beat off in the back of a wagon. I don't care I have a job. I have a limp wrist because I jack off so much from free porn. This is why I hate America because we can do anything we want when we want and have the judicial system back us up for it. I also love it because it keeps me safe at night when I'm baging a blow up doll in the shape of Howard Sterns ex-wife's pussy. Lead me into temptation. If Satan showed himself to you, you would be so happy because you would know that God exists. You would be totally safe in the eyes of eternal damnation. Just tell Satan fuck off I have a pension plan and I plan to take my bones and sell them to black market refugees from India when the world goes to shit and floods itself. All in all I do sleep well at night. Aside from the fact that I know I have to go to work. Boo fucking hoo some would shit on a donkey and make it run 1400 hundred laps to just wipe my ass for a wage. That's why I love America...I can jack off and leave the cum in my boxers and clean it some other day while others are cleaning septic systems in their cum stained underwear not even worrying about how they are going to clean it the next day. That was another India reference. I hate emo. I hate being emotional. Y'know why? It tells me that I'm still breathing. I want a wonder drug that gives me an orgasm every 15 minutes so I don't have to write stupid poems on how dead birds are dying and the flu is making me vomit every ten seconds. I like to play hopscotch. Drink scotch and make fun of Drini because not only does he write mathematical equations and utilizes them on a day to day basis but also that he gets off on doing backflips and telling Scorpios that a prism is a means of realizing the spectrum only acts visible to eye and makes little secret maneuvers in the dimensional rifts we cant see. Fuck infrared fuck ultraviolet and fuck relativity. I poop on myself for a living. I need Einsteins famous equation to tell someone I know what the constant is squared. I roll a D&D dice while perpetuating how cool it is to ascend into the realms of divine consciousness.
I heard that Def Leppard is on tour with Journey. That is pretty cool. I like Blue Oyster Cult because Green Klam Khowder sucks.
I keep hearing these random conversation in the elevator. This is actually a true story, I heard a guy ask another if the fish heads were good and how you cook them. Of course the fish heads are good you fucking retard why would the guy be eating fried gink if he was totally worrying about how they taste. People can be so oppurtunistic at times. They have the oppurtunity to be complacent about their situation and they biff right into the sidewalk. The kind of biff where you are looking out your window at a diamond store and you see and old lady cross the street and she is begging for a curb stomp with the way her jowls sway in the wind. When I write those sentences don't think that I'm not thinking about when I'm old and I start to fuck couches with home made pussies inbetween the cushions. People really are fucked up. Guy came into the bar with gray hair. Got carded didn't have his ID. Too bad for that oldy he isn't a regular. His excuse was I've been cumming here for a week. I've been cumming in this town since I was 8 too fucking bad. Playboy isn't sold in the airport because it is liberal propaganda. The bell rang also...I cheered for Hezbollah and a couple people laughed. Fuck Isreal. Fuck UN. Fuck America. You know why? Because I'm happy I don't have Scuds raining on my house or molotovs thrown through my windows that's why. The whole reason I'm unpatriotic is because I don't have some mutherfucker knocking at my door ready to kill my lifeforce. Yeah that's what I said. I hate this country because I'm not ready to die for it. That bitch drowned her five kids...she should be drowned in a vat of clorox and be fucked to death by that hobo that keeps asking you if she has bagels...but no this is a perfect society let her rot in a mental hospital appointed by our tax money. Good point Howard Zinn let the Native Americans starve for land so my white skin can keep making condos so other white people can have cowboy sex in their living room and not have to be worried if some crack monger is watching. You know he's sticking his finger up his asshole in pleasure. And that pleasure comes from Allah himself. I wrote the Koraan...on a bathroom stall in Queens even though I have never been there. I fucked so many corpses Jeffrey Dahmer would give me a golf clap for my achievements. Pour some hot tar on my toes and beat off in the back of a wagon. I don't care I have a job. I have a limp wrist because I jack off so much from free porn. This is why I hate America because we can do anything we want when we want and have the judicial system back us up for it. I also love it because it keeps me safe at night when I'm baging a blow up doll in the shape of Howard Sterns ex-wife's pussy. Lead me into temptation. If Satan showed himself to you, you would be so happy because you would know that God exists. You would be totally safe in the eyes of eternal damnation. Just tell Satan fuck off I have a pension plan and I plan to take my bones and sell them to black market refugees from India when the world goes to shit and floods itself. All in all I do sleep well at night. Aside from the fact that I know I have to go to work. Boo fucking hoo some would shit on a donkey and make it run 1400 hundred laps to just wipe my ass for a wage. That's why I love America...I can jack off and leave the cum in my boxers and clean it some other day while others are cleaning septic systems in their cum stained underwear not even worrying about how they are going to clean it the next day. That was another India reference. I hate emo. I hate being emotional. Y'know why? It tells me that I'm still breathing. I want a wonder drug that gives me an orgasm every 15 minutes so I don't have to write stupid poems on how dead birds are dying and the flu is making me vomit every ten seconds. I like to play hopscotch. Drink scotch and make fun of Drini because not only does he write mathematical equations and utilizes them on a day to day basis but also that he gets off on doing backflips and telling Scorpios that a prism is a means of realizing the spectrum only acts visible to eye and makes little secret maneuvers in the dimensional rifts we cant see. Fuck infrared fuck ultraviolet and fuck relativity. I poop on myself for a living. I need Einsteins famous equation to tell someone I know what the constant is squared. I roll a D&D dice while perpetuating how cool it is to ascend into the realms of divine consciousness.
I heard that Def Leppard is on tour with Journey. That is pretty cool. I like Blue Oyster Cult because Green Klam Khowder sucks.
Its been unlocked.

So Today, we Teamed up with Overheardinchicago.Except, they dont know it. I just found what people are sayin in chicago and its the funniest shit ever. so im ginkin photo's to their quotes.(way2go Irwin. I found this gem from googling Catling.i have half of an idea what one is now)
Playa: "I was getting all into it to dude. Rachel is freaking hooooot."
Buddy: "So why the hell did you stop?"
Playa: "Well, we were getting into it, and after she goes down on me, she looks at me and says, 'Your turn.' So I get down there and she screams, 'Yeah, Baby! Suck my catling!' I started laughing so hard I had to leave."
- Northwestern Campus
-- Submitted by Wildcat
Thank you jesus for the digital Age.

We get up to the minute news. And up to the second coverage of this asshole's hair. Go myspace. heres a link to el douchoCABBAGE SNAKES ON A TRAIN
No bullshit. my hero.

My goal in life is the gentleman in the red Mr. Rogers Cardigan. his name is duff. and he aint no spring chicken. and he drinks beer like its WWII. Thats important. you should always drink beer like youre about to Shoot hitler in the face, just to return to america and make babies. Chicks dig babymakin and despise hitler,somethin about his moustache. Rock on duff. Rock on.
I like to pretend im an old man in a 12 year olds body. something like macualay Caulkin.
duhdduhduhduhduhduhduhd dhdhdhdhd duhduhduhd
Thats what i sound like in DMin, screamin Bjork lyrics, backwards, covered in ketchup, or catsup, i cant tell....
Um if any of you fucks are good at Java. I need your help with a Enum Tag im havin troubles with. help me and ill Ginkfist your mother like no other.
Um if any of you fucks are good at Java. I need your help with a Enum Tag im havin troubles with. help me and ill Ginkfist your mother like no other.
What gives?
If you give a shit, or if you dont give a shit, you still end up with shit.
So celebrate that, fuck bitches. drink beer.
So celebrate that, fuck bitches. drink beer.
Famous Last Words.
Below is a collection of famous last words from confederate generals.
One could think of seagulls.
He lives in a sewer. hes like a ninja turtle except hes not.
smells what youre cookin and i dont really like.
One could think of seagulls.
He lives in a sewer. hes like a ninja turtle except hes not.
smells what youre cookin and i dont really like.
Emo is still breathing
I took this emo bitch down because she auto started. I can't seem to figure out how to make it stop doing that. I even sent autostart to false...whatever fuck that bitch she doesn't deserve to talk about the dead birds anymore.
Kendall is a guy I know of and seen and we call him Batman...he can walk on his hands y'know.

my post kicks ass.
Pt. 2 of this post a half hour later, i kicked ass and got the image up.

sorry its so damn big though
Pt. 2 of this post a half hour later, i kicked ass and got the image up.
sorry its so damn big though
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