While yesterday marked a win for the 'pizza that doesn't have sauce on it but vegetables and oil country' Italy in the World Cup. Today will be the after party and everything and everyone will have hot Italian sex and role around in tomatoes while the french will slap eachother and fuck kneecaps as punishment. But that wont really be a punishment will it Frenchman? You French think punishment is standing up for Canadians who speak French and then get Frenchfries thrown at your bottoms so you can laugh and say 'Tee hee' in a high pitch Pokemon Squirtle laugh. At least you aren't in Iraq getting your head chopped off because you tried to chop someones head off in a game. Awww the irony of Iraq. Makes me want to cuddle up to Veitnam while I'm fucking Korea in the butthole. Make me a sandwich Korea. Damn bitch you wanna throw missles at me? I'll throw a missle right into your poont. Haha take that...dirty North Korean French bitch.

So today along with the stench of Italian love handles a dude who was a rebel died. That should make someone happy. Because in mourn we always know that someone is laughing on the inside praising the death of this soul. Dudes name was Shamil Basayev. Someone is glad he is dead. He looks like this guy who hangs out with this one Russian dude that always smells like fish and wants to buy coke. Russians are funny aren't they? They can't even afford to hold money that isn't affordable. No wonder they sell all those weapons to people. I wan't an AK-47 goddamnit. Better make it all chrome too so I can flash it around in a Ludacris video or at the Old Folks home where my new second job is at. I'll say, "MOVE IT GRANDMA take one more step with that walker and I'll scare the pacemaker out of your cathedar. You'll be shitting in a bedpan for eternity!" Of course it will be all Tarantino-esque and happen backwards or forwards or with swords or something. Anyway Chechen rebel cheif gets blown up someone is happy. I scare Granny and get the last laugh on a Russian.
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