So Today, we Teamed up with Overheardinchicago.Except, they dont know it. I just found what people are sayin in chicago and its the funniest shit ever. so im ginkin photo's to their quotes.(way2go Irwin. I found this gem from googling Catling.i have half of an idea what one is now)
Playa: "I was getting all into it to dude. Rachel is freaking hooooot."
Buddy: "So why the hell did you stop?"
Playa: "Well, we were getting into it, and after she goes down on me, she looks at me and says, 'Your turn.' So I get down there and she screams, 'Yeah, Baby! Suck my catling!' I started laughing so hard I had to leave."
- Northwestern Campus
-- Submitted by Wildcat
That blog is epic as fuck. No wonder I hate Chicago...
I learnt about the facts of life in the primary school playground. My girlfriend explained to me that a pussy eats a sausage in a bath. I found the imagery unusual and asked her who had told her this she said her father. I felt it must be quite liberated at her house. But being naive, thanked her for the revelation. I learnt all my sex education in the school playground, I am a biet muddled up. Need to iron out some kinks.
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