Alright people. How many times do you really have to stick up for a puny pussy rock named Pluto? Oh great its the little baby baby of the Solar System. Proving that babies get all the attention. Who cares about the dabacle? I think planets especially in our Solar System should be the terrestial ones that have what we can recognize as planetary functions. If you are thinking about any of the Saturnin or Jupiter moons they orbit large objects so they are moons not planets. The gravity thing is important that they were talking about also; when gravity makes an astral object round in nature. Yet that shouldn't add an astroid as a planet should it? Ceres the object in question is only 600 miles in diameter that's about a quarter the size of our moon. I'm thinking we should base our known planet sizes to the smallest being the size of Mercury and the largest being double or triple the size of Jupiter. Then we start running into small stars or super gas giants. Yes they all orbit the sun so do all the little astroids in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. Are all of those planets too? Unless we find another Neptune or Uranus floating around in the terrestrial locations of the current "8" planets I think we shouldn't start just adding shit and changing textbooks right away. This debate about the definition of planet shouldn't even be happening if some got their shit together back in the day and just said something so all the sheep today can base their info on others data like they usually do. Even the IAU is willing to tally the count up to 53 or something like that because of all the objects in the Kuiper belt. If it goes up to 53 why not just say its going to be 100 or 1000. Goddamn we haven't even scanned the whole thing yet. I say drop it and let what we have as our solar system and call what ever else is out there a different type of system categorized all together. Shit just because things are round pretty much they want to change it all. I know a few babies that have very round heads wanna start calling them planets? Sedna is in the shithouse so is 2003 UB313. You want kids to memorize that shit? Divy it up like SS Major and SSMinor. Something a little more understandable. Fuck all that other bullshit. Quit sticking up for Pluto and its cheese twin Charon. It's a shit ice place anyways.
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