The humor is gone. Ginkfist went on a bender and now craves some budussy. I'm not a pimply boy. I'm not El Ginko that shows twat-rot and dick snot. I'm Gink the greatist thing known to everything. God rocks he plays banjo in a bluegrass band down the river where dhem white boys whistle in jugs. We can't all be Black I'm sorry. I've got a girlfriend...I have sleepless nights because people start using their chainsaw amalgamated leaf blowers early in the freakin morning and 24 year old upstart women run around shouting profanities like they were from the old west. I think they are shedding that I've been with my boyfriend too long skin and now they want to get herpes and AIDS. I like a good lookin' pussy too but I'm not infatuated with it. I can't lie, I still fap and fapping is good for the soul. They say that humans have lost their imaginations. EVERYTIME YOU MASTURBATE ARE YOU NOT THINKING OF SOMETHING BEYOND WHAT YOU HAVE AT THE MOMENT. God knows I'm not haha..I think of hoagies. Moist hoagies. And if you don't think I'm joking by that statement then you havent read every post Gink has to offer. Although I think Gink is in a Midblog crisis and tends to let porn handle the situation because more viewers and prevos will read our site making it more popular It is going to out to the hearts of every human being. If I had digital can foods I'd do one of those can food drives so everyone can share gink. And by Gink people I refer to raw fish buried in the sand for two weeks dug up and eaten. DON"T FORGET WHAT GINK MEANS. Good luck Castro hope your insides don't blow up.
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