Whilst I was looking like the Moon from
Le Voyage dans a lune I freed some of my inner gink and took about a week off. Nothing has happened at all. Some cum and say, "Well dude ya know we might just be a holograph in the eyes of a creation of a creation and that holograph can concieve other holographs and shit and eat on the toilet in perpetual motion blah blah." Some have fun and just say,"Hey nagger cheese cracker witch in a biscuit, we are all just standing out in the cold." I for one believe that we are all standing out in the cold. You don't need a uber-theory of everything theory to explain why you move in g sharp and spit d min for breakfast. You just jam. And that's that. Aside from making you try and understand my psycho babble bubble bobble I would like to take the time to let you read a really fucked up sentence. I love Weezer. Yeah that is a fucked up sentence huh? I don't really love Weezer I just wanted to make some of you vomit. Speaking of vomit(No I'm not going to show you a vomit picture.):

Satan once played for a vacant sign and a light switch. It was grand. I took Roman Spears and punch a Simon for kicking my ass in a game of Memory. I circuit bended that bitch and took it to the junkyard.

This guy gave me sex advice in the third grade. I know own a cadillac and fuck some bitches who animated on Darkwing Duck. He told me to sign in ESL to a mexican diplomat. I freed the soul of an orangutang.
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