so im moving to washington state soon
it will rock.but im afraid i hate most things from washington.
especially seattle. and especially mod and scene shit.
get over it.
heres a poem i stole from myspace.
As heavenly angels sing their praises,
With glowing bodies and shimmering wings.
So too shall I revel in arrogance.
As morbid angels cry hollowed tears,
With broken bodies and plucked wings.
So too shall I fall.
As spiteful angels scream for blood,
With twisted bodies and burning wings.
So too shall I hate.
As long as angels fall.
As long as angels rot.
As long as angels burn.
So too shall I deny my maker.
Seriously. i own several guns. I would fed ex this bitch one in a heartbeat. you know what life does suck, if i drink too much it gives me anxiety and a stomach ache. i know we're all gunna die in 100 years or less. but so fuckin what, look at that as an excuse to have that last beer, and to fuck that chick, and if life is that bad, follow the 45. i cant stand the bullshit people do. i dont know if those goths do it to get laid. id imagine theyd have hairy cooter's and prolly stinky ones aswll. fuck that. i wouldn't do their gross asses anyway. so if you wrote that poem, or if you are/look like any of these people, please drink whiskey and pull the trigger, dont whine about life sucking, most adults already know this.

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