I'm not CSI or anything but I have a feeling I know what went on in this picture. Girl listens to Queensryche sings the lyrics "Upside down inside out for you!" and her life changes. 49 guys from the 49niners training camp give her a roofie in every single drink she had. She isn't an alchoholic or an abuser of alchohol. She drinks bleach straight from the plastic tub. Noticing that she has a fuck me tattoo on her lowerback above the poopshooter she probably got railed so far into oblivion that she blacked out. On roofies and bleach she maintained the ablility to tone down the slutness and keep her pants half on while itching the crabs that are now putrid and dead from the consumption of roofies and bleach. She has good friends though because they watched her. Albeit they took a picture of her laying on the bathroom floor probably with a pube stuck to her forhead and she is near a trashcan with her own tampons still festering and sticking to the plastic inlining. She still has good friends.

This picture only says one thing to me. She is farting in those new Levi's and her teeth are photoshoped to look like sorcerers tick-tack-toeing with Nickleback whilst them putting monkey costumes on small children and feeding them to Castro's new intestines. SPEAKING OF MONKEYS!
Looks like Don Cheadles inlaws like to play with nobs as much as I do. 
"Le Discours de la methode" Rene Descartes said and I mutha fuckin quote naggers, "
The greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues." Dumbfuck Mountain if you ask me. Just kidding I would be soooo stupid right? Wrong still Dumbfuck Mountain. If he was real which he wasn't he was thought up of by Robert Redfords parents when they hollahooped through a wormhole into a cognitive reality only known by patrons of Zimbabwe, he would have said this:"
Players can snort anything they want and thats why players are great."

You can't ask me if this guy is real or not I don't know. Buhleedhat is a conceivable human being. Toxic Avenger is not. This guy sits somewhere inbetween those two in the yearbook. And for the record I feel sorry for this guy. He also has big juevos for living everyday looking like
Paris Hilton with hermakup off.
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