Personally, the whole god-damned idea disgusts me. before i begin my rebuttal to collegiate stature, let us digress upon the whole damned idea of "college" as being the most important decision of one young man's life (chicks don't count, they're bound to cook clean, and look pretty as told from the bible.)
College is not the most important decision in life. What about the decision of procreation and the social responsibility of rearing an adept philanthropist in your years to come. or the decision to execute a man during jury duty. or how's the old I have cancer and am dying, but realize chemo isn't exactly "in" or "hip" or "healthy."
I believe each of these to be paramount to how hard you strive for personal success.
If you don't agree :Here is a link of a man (or child according to Virginia law) who is refusing chemo therapy over herbal treatment. be forewarned: this man's name is starchild, which proves his parents did acid.
or here: This is a case of man, who is firing his lawyers, so he can be uh....Killed, murdered, offed, or executed, whatev Be forewarned: this guy ripped a dudes ear off, and stoned him to death.
in conclusion: if you believe in starchildren and van gogh impersonator's, then believe in america. if not, and by if not; i mean if you're caucasian and extremely wealthy: then decide which college to go to.
Sorry that was so god damned huge, its the booze talkin.

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