
Ginkoffs May-June...back after they found El Ginko face down in doo dooreah


Anonymous said...

roadhouse, neither, hammer pants, dali, crom, battering ram, glow worm

ĘL Giñkō² said...

Neither? Scar jo, or heigl, and you chose neither? you must be a tranny. stick a finger in your butt and choose heigl, but pick scar jo to cover the spread and you should be okay.

oh and get that shit on your lip checked out by a doc.

Anonymous said...

roadhouse, scar jo, hammerpants all the fucking way, dolly..tho she's the scariest out of all the choices, ipod, battering ram, old guy.

Anonymous said...

the reason why i chose "neither" is because i feel that collectively scar jo and heigl have enough mutated STDs to classify them as different species. this upsets me. so i'd rather have crom beat them all to a pulp and call it a day.

Anonymous said...

Treat Williams, Katherine Heigl, Getting Railed Face, Dolly, Krom, Battering Ram, Old Guy