
Greece America 14 year olds daniel radcliffe Paris hilton 6 hotdogs and 8 buns. but only 1 beer

Thats a good title. and apparently thats what makes Ginkfist big. Ever since Irwin(i think thats his link, whatever) got ginkfist.com we got boosted up a little on google because of traffic from links. Now the search results are getting weirder. Yesterday we got "fapped" in google. "grave digger pictures" in google and my personal favorite "Daniel Radcliffes house" in Yahoo!. first off, who the fuck is daniel radcliffe(i googled it, turns out its harry potter) and why are people looking up his house. 2nd off. why the fuck are we writing it? and finally, since when is Ginkfist Notable and reputable, thats the single reason we're not on ginkapedia if i saw a list of sites on Yahoo listing results for Daniel radcliffes house and one was named ginkfist(still have no idea what ginkfist is) I wouldnt take it as reputable. but thank the good lord you guys do. Rock on.

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