
Rehash Rehash

It was a fleeting moment that separated us from the social struggle. An army of streetlights careened into the pressures of having to guide the way before someone realized they stepped in front of themselves. It's common blitz for a stand-in candle along technologies outpost. It has the way of surmounting the previous antique before the elder believes it is obsolete. What a glorious epiphany when all you have going for you is what you had going for you. They pay no retirement because you didn't start at a young age understanding the future disposition laid before you. Who writes that kind of blueprint for humanity and technology alike? A guess it’s the thought is laden with the impermissible idea that it should be there all along. A hereditary trait if the model before you was smart enough to pick up on the stench of changing times. Is that what makes people feel useless? The disregard of the fact until it's too late and you end up on a tobacco advertisement brandishing the swollen face and the yellow teeth? It's always too late to pick up on the biggest littlest signs right in front of you. We like to step forward even though there is literal shit to step on and in front of. It is a psycho patriotic trait dug up from the fathers our past bestowed upon us. Oooorrr....is it a fallacy we tell ourselves because we are tired of blaming someone else other than ourselves? It's always both. You can't live in a dualistic society and expect the blame to be on a singularity; of course it's not that simple. If it was I would have been Euclid again or Einstein making enigmatic claims on humanity. If that were the case then you would be Gandhi and Kennedy but not a martyr not yet a woman and a slut virgin collecting aluminum foil robots to show Guinness book of world records that you do mean squat when most of us think you don't. I mean what is one ant when you step on it? What is one human when you shoot them in the face because Loki told you too? The divine power always tells you the truth no matter all the lies you can conceive. The justice is in the action before you rectify it to be the truth. In most instances it doesn't need to be because judgment is based on the emotion for the course of action and that emotion in its precise moment of existence is thought to be the path. There is no denying the path or the way except when the jury doesn't have the same idea. Then you’re fucked and you shank your inmate because he got Girl Scout Samoas and you didn't of course there is a perpetual cyclic problem and there always will be. I'm not saying I even know what I'm talking about because I know it sounds like I don't and I say that I do. If a biscuit were a banana I would know how to fit the round peg into the square hole. And that in fact I do know how to do. Give me sand paper or give me death. I choose liberty from a low bandwidth. I couldn’t live without internet telling me that TV is bad. Hmm...do I smell a fart in someone’s liberal ideals? That's why I'm a republican because the villain always has a reason to fuck up. If someone is evil they have an out. If someone is a hero and they fuck up they are done. They are a farce and no one cares if their red underwear is over their blue spandex because they are homo-gay and making a fool of themselves. A villain can rehabilitate their loss and misfortune to an autobiography leading the celebrity to follow them like sheep. That is the irony of villainy. That's why I'm a Sith lord and dildo sentient beings with a plasma phallus. It rocks more than being Atreyu and doing Bon Jovi rip off covers, but I realize I already mentioned doing covers like three minutes ago and that makes me a doooshbaaag. (That's how I spell it when I mighty morph into a sheep and wait for Jarvis to show me the ol' in and out eh!)

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