
Happy Halloween

nevermind, blogger sucks.


thoughts on the election.

Dont vote, its a farce of the educated.
Clam chowder does cure hangovers.
yet induces acid reflux.

I dont think people should vote, unless i run. i've never met any presidential candidate. if i had, the first question is why, the 2nd is boxers or briefs, and the third is have you ever smoked weed, and if you had would you get a blowjob in the oval office.

dont deny it.

ill post some images one day.


Rehash Rehash

It was a fleeting moment that separated us from the social struggle. An army of streetlights careened into the pressures of having to guide the way before someone realized they stepped in front of themselves. It's common blitz for a stand-in candle along technologies outpost. It has the way of surmounting the previous antique before the elder believes it is obsolete. What a glorious epiphany when all you have going for you is what you had going for you. They pay no retirement because you didn't start at a young age understanding the future disposition laid before you. Who writes that kind of blueprint for humanity and technology alike? A guess it’s the thought is laden with the impermissible idea that it should be there all along. A hereditary trait if the model before you was smart enough to pick up on the stench of changing times. Is that what makes people feel useless? The disregard of the fact until it's too late and you end up on a tobacco advertisement brandishing the swollen face and the yellow teeth? It's always too late to pick up on the biggest littlest signs right in front of you. We like to step forward even though there is literal shit to step on and in front of. It is a psycho patriotic trait dug up from the fathers our past bestowed upon us. Oooorrr....is it a fallacy we tell ourselves because we are tired of blaming someone else other than ourselves? It's always both. You can't live in a dualistic society and expect the blame to be on a singularity; of course it's not that simple. If it was I would have been Euclid again or Einstein making enigmatic claims on humanity. If that were the case then you would be Gandhi and Kennedy but not a martyr not yet a woman and a slut virgin collecting aluminum foil robots to show Guinness book of world records that you do mean squat when most of us think you don't. I mean what is one ant when you step on it? What is one human when you shoot them in the face because Loki told you too? The divine power always tells you the truth no matter all the lies you can conceive. The justice is in the action before you rectify it to be the truth. In most instances it doesn't need to be because judgment is based on the emotion for the course of action and that emotion in its precise moment of existence is thought to be the path. There is no denying the path or the way except when the jury doesn't have the same idea. Then you’re fucked and you shank your inmate because he got Girl Scout Samoas and you didn't of course there is a perpetual cyclic problem and there always will be. I'm not saying I even know what I'm talking about because I know it sounds like I don't and I say that I do. If a biscuit were a banana I would know how to fit the round peg into the square hole. And that in fact I do know how to do. Give me sand paper or give me death. I choose liberty from a low bandwidth. I couldn’t live without internet telling me that TV is bad. Hmm...do I smell a fart in someone’s liberal ideals? That's why I'm a republican because the villain always has a reason to fuck up. If someone is evil they have an out. If someone is a hero and they fuck up they are done. They are a farce and no one cares if their red underwear is over their blue spandex because they are homo-gay and making a fool of themselves. A villain can rehabilitate their loss and misfortune to an autobiography leading the celebrity to follow them like sheep. That is the irony of villainy. That's why I'm a Sith lord and dildo sentient beings with a plasma phallus. It rocks more than being Atreyu and doing Bon Jovi rip off covers, but I realize I already mentioned doing covers like three minutes ago and that makes me a doooshbaaag. (That's how I spell it when I mighty morph into a sheep and wait for Jarvis to show me the ol' in and out eh!)



The scurrilous nature of men I don't ever want to know

You may ask yourself over and over what compells one to do such things. What causes the nature of males to squeeze their nipples. One might say it's the lack of attention. Clearly homo erectus in the background is attentive enough by covering a hardon with his blanket. And others may deduce that the simple yet unknown powers of black rimmed glasses could delineate any sense of right action. Here is a prime example of one...or two that are so comfortable to take such an atrocity of a picture they don't care that a free ginker is going to say what I'm about to say about the both of them. If I ever so much as come in the proximity of either of these two children I will do something to them that Jarvis down the street wouldn't do to a farm animal. I'd skull fuck the brain matter into oblivion so that it reaches beyond quantum computation and materializes into an enormous asteroid bound for Earth. A big giant one that would destroy all of human life except for small rodents so something else can evolve into the super species and take another picture of itself twisting tittie and another life form can thus skull fuck beyond the beyond.

Y'know some men can be noble and admirable. Take Ulysses Grant for example. Bad ass war hero turned president probably would drink 211 if he had the chance and punch a donkey right in the back of the head inventing the donkey punch. Then other guys well...fuck let me be the first hetero guy to say that it's alright to be homo. You were born homo you always will be homo and you might find a liberal enough place somewhere in Canada where you can pour gravy on your french fries and get married. I WILL SAY IT IS NOT ALRIGHT to be HETERO and pretend to be GAY. The whole METRO thing isn't working for me. The only METRO I RIDE IS A BUS. Let's have it stay that way.

ABBY'S DAD ROCKS!!!....i got drunk with him once.


Crazy europeans.

First, read this
Then, this to understand its about euro crafitness.

el ginko.

Greatest thing ive ever seen

What doodoo stain are you standin to?

What the hell were ya doin to the dog to make him make that noise

Silverback soap on a rope.
why kids smoke dope.

Why i quit posting.

I was busy working. which is a lie cause my jobs suck.

My bumper sticker

thats on your mom's cheeks.

Dear astral-aliens,
we all gotta go some time, ausse aussie aussie oy oy oy


El Ginko hasn't been posting

es gibt keine Wahrscheinlichkeiten..., das sie durch die vorhergehenden Erzeugungen gekauft worden sind.

So konkret wie der Boden kann mich erhalten anstarren noch entlang es. Selbstverständlich ist es viel interessanter als der Himmel. Alles, das Blau in unserem Verstand und in ihm fabriziert wird, ist Auge. Es besteht nur zu denen, die es studieren. Das ist, warum der Beton soviel wichtiger ist. Wir werden durch Schwerkraft geerdet, also werden wir gezwungen, seine Topographie zu studieren. Zu mir seinem mehr als gerade eine Zwangsgewohnheit oder mehr als Zigarettenkippen und schwarze Gummi thats an getreten durch Million Sohlen. Er ist viel mehr als ein fractal, zwischen den tiefen 1-Millimeter-Abgründen wiederholend. Schwimmen in die Penrose Tilings wird er viel mehr, als alle Kompliziertheiten überhaupt durch eine Gottheit oder einen Gott concieved, die überhaupt bekannt sind. Der Gedanke Prozeß des Anstarrens entlang des Betons entwickelte soviel, daß er nicht sogar bis 1 addiert. ErIST leer. Gerecht wie das Anstarren am Himmel... aber die Verwirklichung er hat durch jedes Verteilerrohr entwickelt. Obgleich es nicht sogar wichtig ist, was Sie herauf ungefähr denken beenden, weil Sie keinen Zustand haben. Steuerung der Beschaffenheit oder der Konzentration. Es ist ein fehlerhafter halluzinogenischer Zustand, dem die nüchterne Wirklichkeit zu concieve von den grösseren Momenten über den hinaus, die wir vor dargestellt haben, der würde bilden alles verwendet, das dieses wichtig vorangeht. Stürzen die Natur verdauten wir Jahre, bevor nicht mechanisch um, aber das Gefühl danach wie ein automatischer Zustand glaubt. Wir fangen dematerialize an. Wir sind ashen Körper. Wir glauben nur Schuld. Und Affesuppen.


Unfortunately I'm not pictured in this picture

That looks like Thom York next to the ghoulish retard. Or Kate Blanchett.

Do-Ragger pimps out shopping kart

Ten more days until I steal tricker treaters' parents and feed them apples with machete blades in them

What are you going to be for Halloween. I'm going to be Jean Benet's killer or Andrew Cunanabananahands. Personally I'm just waiting to stuff a turkey with cyanide and give it to a homeless shelter. The thankful givings of a Gink. Tigers are going to win the World Series. And if they don't it will be just another reason for Detroit to shit themselves and start a riot. I'm sure a couple of people got mugged for their Ben Wallace jerseys by now. Chicago must be proud. Halloween is going to be wierd in Bellingham. It's going to be just like last night except all the bitches makeup will be caked on a little more. I don't understand college towns. I don't think I ever will. You come here and you feel liberated and free and you are invincible. You have all these new things to experience. College is just a whorehouse where you learn how to fuck someone in the ass with more precision or get fucked in the ass by 13 guys who need to learn how to shoot straight. The sex is great. The drugs are plenty and Teachers are eyeballing your crotch for a nice heroin cannon to be shot at. If you aren't 21 you are biting at the grit salivating at all the smokers standing outside of the bar telling yourself, "I wish I could find someone to fuck in there and not remember them the next day." It's not even about having a good time. I sat and watched premadonnas talk about nothing. It wasn't even conversation. It was like three blonde girls speaking in tongues and each tongue had a tongue on the tongue that was talking. Of course there was that polo t shirt wearing motherfucker hovering over them wishing to god he could just pour champagne all over their breasts and rip his whitey tighties off and just fuck like rabbits in an orgy where clowns repel from the ceiling and he's just yelling at the top of his lungs because he gets to use clown makeup as ass lubricant. Now for something like that you need to pay 140 bucks for an art literature textbook 700 a month for dorm expenses and a million duckets to keep every woman you see satisfied with a shot of rumplemints. I'm not saying I'm totally bitter and not one of the people who fuck myself everynight, it just gets old when you cant escape the event horizon. Thats why I'm trying to go to a house party on Halloween and forget where I am for 26 hours. I'm sure a bucket of snails and a long line of cocaine from here to Bogata will be involved.

If you didn't notice already I'm right behind you.
And on an ending note don't let the costume hunt tear your bones in half cause the reaper likes it when you kick the bucket as a whole component rather than a blitz of flesh he has
to sort out for the dude on the river Styx. If you get a chance you should rock out to Billy Joel's All for Layna. Yeah he's a homokemon but I didn't know he had the rock ballad in him.
And of course it wouldn't be in good Gink nature to leave you alone without
looking at a slut since that is all we can ever talk about these days.
Why can't we just be sober? Because that lyric sucks so much ass it makes me want to drink fifteen fifths of Canadian Hunter so I can recollect about the acid I'm going to take and forget the ruse of all the dominos I've had before me. Vicariously living out my fantasies through a World of Warcraft to fap on some polygonal hydroplane existent only in the memory of Jimmy Hoffa's putrid corpse. Lorca said it best," Dali I like men. I want to do them. Let me suck your pee pee."
Necro FapVampire Toe.


Ginkoff Week 1

This is how to Mod an X-box 360

But it does have an upside...or does it?


System Overload

Shift change at McDonalds?

is that minotaur from golden axe?

I think it is. Life is funny. I was reading about the wrestling move called Stink Face preformed by wrestler torrie, and low and behold someone googled it and found ginkfist (i didnt even know we made mention of the damn thing) what else is funny? The fact that i found 10 kilo's of coke in my keester pack.

BOng hit on loop control.

Don't get me wrong I liked the guy


I took a shot of Vampirism now I'm an addict to staying up until 5 am

Now that it is post World War IV and I'm actually blogging from the future I wanted to let everyone know that Humans don't survive and Cylons take impregnate oxen on a mass scale. The Ox believe in an Apocalypse Darwinian creed as in only the fittest will survive. They evolved into a Minotaurean race and settled in the constellation Taurus. Every animal/Cylon Hybrid is born on April 25th making them all Taurus's on the Zodiac. They power interstellar space fleets with an unquenchable resource of Red Bull and their armor plating is a mithril adamantium Michael Jordan jersey. I've only been able to capture one visible representation.



Pictures I know make people horny.

Not that it's always a Freudian thing to post; except for the fact that it always is and ends up about something sexual I've compiled some images that I know for a fact some people get off on. I know the world is wierd we've said it a million times but visual representation is the great form to help you understand your neighbors. And why they have preschool bookclub meetings for adults. And the coffee is decaf. And you hate Oakland because no one in Oakland owns a carpet or oak.

Gross Boobface Strikes Back.

I am the alternate ending to the beginning of the credits after they roll from the front.

It's been a while since a good crucifixion. A crucifixion post that is.

Here we have Jean Beauvoir or the guy who looks like Tiki Barber with a blonde mullet. Seriously it waterfalls down to his ass. Probably extensions. If you doin't know whou Beauvoir is he is the guy who did the Cobra theme. Yes the Stallone movie that rocks more than Rocky. The song is called "feel the heat". I tried to YouTube it but I couldn't find a video just some gayass Cobra clip movie with the song in the background. Jean Beauvoir probably has his hand in everything. Even your mom I would assume.

Recently I've noticed El Ginko has been slacking. Too much Drini on the weenie and coke in the boots. I tell ya if you messaround with a rocking chair for long enough you will start digesting pens and when you start getting hooked on digesting pens it's all over.

All I need is one mic. So I can tell this Jack in the Box eating mutherfucker that Insane Clown Posse does not and I repeat for the sake of saying and I repeat that I'm pretty sure they don't care about actor hands. Especially not as much as I do! And if you don't know what "Craw Hairs" are they are the hairs inbetween your butthole and your privates. They also call that area the taint. I like to call it envelope or xerox machine.

I have a special Gift for the Ginkers!!!!

wait for it...its gonna be "tight"

Ain't that the hottest shit you've ever seen!!! I wish I could give it the ol' TORNADO TONGUE. Make my dreams come true. Speaking of dreams I know someone who had a dream. This guy one the Nobel Prize and just to let you know I ain't doggin' on this guy. He genuinely was a really cool kat.

This guy did not win the nobel prize but wish he did.
As a matter of fact he probably is winning over your hearts with that nice package and headband right now. Do you think he is serious about what he is doing? I'd take a shit on his chest if I could take his place in the Cracknutter.

I'm sure this guy is a Cracknutter. He has an omnipotent feel to his mean mug hippie woven hat. Even though he is man enough to say Go Fuck Yourself by not saying I'm sure somewhere down inside he regrets that someone took this picture. Billhillies get embarassed too. Just not when you ask them why they fuck their cousin. It makes me pull a Linda Blair. Everynight before I watch That's so Raven reruns and Home Improvent.

Something I also found the other day that was really interesting and not a scholarly interest but more like a missing persons interest was that I found Ginkhole...again. Whilst watching Home Improvement. I never liked Pamela as the Tool Time girl and onetime Wilson gave me advice about herpagonnasyphillus. Something about a Timbuk Tlingit tribe using the natural molecular structure of granite to symbolize the occurance of an equinox in a hyperbaric chamber.

Louie...Channel 4

Fist of Fortune...Channel 11

I don't know exactly what is going on here but she sure has the face of a true fister. Or the face that she might be getting fisted. Or the face that she gets when she watches Bill Cosby talk about the Cosmos Carl Sagan didn't get around to.

But knowing that a girl
that looks like that.
She is probably
going to get
fisted by
this guy.
girls like
little girly
looking men
that will take and
Love them good fistin


damn open source.

whats the point of free software if it sucks? i need a 1.2ish jdk for a i386 that actually works. which is computer speak for im kinda hungry, i just cut my hair and its friday, lets bang hoes.


drini i need your help

what does this mean?
A = {a}; B = {b, c, d, e}; A ∪ B = {a, b, c, d, e}

its an axiom, takin from Reality on drinipedia help me out brother, youre our math man. we're just nonsense.

why my moneys always spent.

cause i got bills and shit. heres a picture of me, poor and hungry:

and heres me with my money aint a thing look:

thats what bums me out. that bitch has more c-notes than i have teeth. that money there is prolly more than ive made this year, and its october. if i had tits and a face like that. id prolly be in austrailia reading ginkfist and leaving them comments.