
Not all people are crazy...just you.

Everyday a radical idealist is born. A putrid carcass from an animal is becoming food for the insects and the hungry alike. Everyday a bomb will go off ending a life. Someone will be making an amatuer sextape and they will get pregnant from it. Yes the tape will fuck them getting them preggers. I have no Xenu philosophy let alone a foundation where you can send me money to learn what you believe in. But what you believe in half-the time is bullshit because you feel it and thats why you believe it. The belief of reality to me is sometimes an awkward conjuction between the surface of your ability to understand the current time and place and the subjection of witnessing the time and the place. That's one primary reason I think people will actually eat a queer fetus for Jesus. A dualistic finite instance of existential cooperation between you and the universe. The sound mind of oppurtune polyphonic being acted upon by an outside/inside force creating the illusiory substance that is tangible and easy to recognize to recognition. You become immortal in the moment where that feeling is emerging from the bowels of inner thought. And that is why belief is bullshit. It has to be broken down into little synapses and an atomic nano explaination of something that in all actuality is mundane. Fuck...it still has to be talked about though. Like the fact that everyone who is in college needs to talk about socio-polital views and the government. The great movement we are going to formulate to change what congress and the rest of the world thinks of us. It all comes down to movement. Movement of the mind. The altered states. Movements of it all. You take one down pass it around and everyone has the idea suddenly. Eat the queer fetus. Put a little gink sauce on it. It doesn't really matter though because everyone is crazy. Fanatical. Indestructable and everyones governing parties are WRONG. Right? I'm sure that is the liberal concensus. It's big brother. It's just like Satan. Being created so man could fear death believe in God and welcome the life of humanity with harmony. Yet knowing the fact that evil does exists we lead ourselves into tempt and what is temptuous(is that a word?). Actually that didn't make a point at all. My mind runs on like that a lot. I can't stay focused for too long. I usually horn in the orcs and we play a game of D&D over a fuck session and a sybian contest to see who can hold it in their mouth the longest. Everyone is crazy though. Even if they don't realize it. I see crazy people all the time. Totally insane. They are usually drunk and no that is not what makes them crazy either. Just look into their eyes. Look into peoples eyes for a long time. Then notice how crazy they are. How insane someone could potentially be without just saying to yourself, "Yeah I've seen the news, some fucked up shit some crazy people killing their neighbor then going to Jack n' the Box to get a burger and a soda." That stuff isn't real to you. It shouldn't be unless its actually happening to you. That's one crazy thing it's that everything matters so much that we all have to be involved in it indirectly and directly. If we didn't we would have anything to say or worry about.

All of that is a combination of the lunacy and the frightening fact that we live in such over-bearing fantasy worlds that they actually manifest themselves into the public eye and the sanctuary of the human mind. I trust that these four women will meet me in a room and fuck my brains out till my dick falls off because I'm a fucking really man. I take my time and profess on how man I am by getting into a fight every weekend because I'm flawless and people love the fact I'm perfect. That's why I know I will bag all four of those girls. that and a lot of blow. Then the mind gets a cancerous idea and eats away at the truth. One woman is probably married to a wealthy 45 year old patent millionare who eats jello when he wants and off of her exposed brain after laser eyesite became a sprite and caffeine rounds the porch with anchors and kittie kats. Blowbork morshak dombiak mofac. Get it? It doesn't matter your crazy. Your going to stay crazy. And their is nothing to your crazy its just plain crazy crazy craaz.

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